But then I couldn't let him drown right there in front of me. I wasn't that kind of human. I just couldn't let all of this happen.
So I jumped into the water and swam deeper and deeper. I searched for him. Then I grabbed a hand and pulled his body out.
He laid there in the grass. I went up to him and gave him first aid.
"Come on, Sam! Don't die! Wake up!", I said pushing him.
Then he finally spit all the water out.
I sighed.
He laid his head back on the ground and looked at me with his red eyes.
"What happened?", he asked.
I thought about everything for a while. Should I tell him about Cameron's games? And about Andrew and Celine? How would he react? I could just tell him that he fell into the water...
But then I decided to tell him the truth.
"You have to be dead for a while, Sam. Neither Celine neither Cameron and Andrew should see you. You have to disappear.", I told him.
He sat in front of me and looked confused into my face.
"Why? Now tell me what happened! Don't make me go crazy!"
"Okay... okay... I had to murder you. That's why you were in the lake. But I saved you, Sam. I love you, and... and I wouldn't want you to die. It's just... I had to save Cameron by sacrificing your life. Andrew would kill him. He forced me to do this"
"Wait... why would Andrew do that? Doesn't he work for Shawn just like Celine? And what has Cameron to deal with him? And how could you dare to kill me!", he looked angrier and angrier.
"Stop it! I'll tell you... later"
"Okay!!! So, Andrew and Celine...", I told him about the whole truth, about everything I knew from Cameron and Andrew. I told him about the deal and Shawn then about Cameron and Andrew.
"Cameron and Andrew work together but Cameron doesn't know that Andrew wants to murder him. He is deeply in love with your sister, Celine, and wants her. He just wants to have her when Shawn breaks up with her after Andrew told him the truth. It's a plan! They first wanted to play like Celine was cheating on Shawn with Cameron but I don't know if they will do it. But what I know is that no one's safe. Andrew wants to kill everyone Celine loves because she is fighting against the deal. And she can't tell Shawn because she believes that he wouldn't love her anymore. It's so difficult, Sam. Please help me", I said falling into his arms ending up crying. He stroked my back and I felt him nodding.
"We will beat Andrew's ass out", he said.
-Celine's POV-
I drove to the airport to greet Shawn first.
I was so excited to see him again. I've missed him so so much.
With my bag on my back I walked jumping into the big hall of the airport. I was really happy about Shawn's return.
Then I saw him looking for someone, probably me.
I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He had his Luggage still in his hands but I hugged him to tightly that one of his bags fell onto the ground.
I let go of him and took the bag.
"I'll take it", I said smiling.
He placed his other bag on the floor and held my face with both of his hands.
He looked deeply into my eyes.
"Let's just stay here for a while, breathe in deeply, love me", he whispered.
Then I kissed him.
I drove him home and during the drive he was just staring at me like all the time.
"What?", I asked.
"I just missed everything about you and want to see every part of you again", he said smiling.
I chuckled. "I love you", I said placing my hand on his lap. He held my hand, lifted it up and kissed it.
Feeling his soft and warm lips was one of the most things I missed of him.
At home, I cooked pasta for us and we ate together.
We spent the whole night together and laid in each others arms. We hugged and kissed a lot. I just missed his sent on my clothes.
-Cameron's POV-
"He really wanted to do it? He wanted to kill me?", I asked Amanda.
She nodded, "Andrew wanted Sam's life for yours... I had to kill Sam letting him drawn in the lake"
I held her shoulders and shook her.
"You didn't kill him, am I right?! Amanda you didn't!"
"No! Of course not! I mean... first I almost did but then I saved him! I wanted to save you, Cam! Be careful with Andrew...he thinks that he died, so don't tell him", she told me and I just nodded.
I couldn't believe that Andrew even used me and my sister for his dirty games.
I felt guilty about that and I actually was.
I decided to work less with Andrew and just take the information to Celine. I wanted to tell her everything and wanted her to tell Shawn everything before Andrew does.

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