We worked till six. As she wanted to leave I held her back.
"What?", she asked.
I moved closer and wanted to kiss her. I wanted to know that all of this was actually happening.
She moved back and placed her hand on my lips.
"What are you doing? Shawn... I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend. And all of that is your fault. I don't need ignorant people in my life.", she said making me look down.
But then I lifted my face up and looked angrily into her eyes.
"Did you cheat on me?", I asked her.
"No!", she said shooking her head. She looked confused.
"Did you cheat on me?! You can't just find a boyfriend within two weeks, Celine, don't lie to me? You cheated with Cameron!", I yelled into her face.
She moved back, "why would you think that?"
A tear ran down her right cheek... and just then I realised what I just said.
"Oh my... I'm sorry, Celine, I just got jealous..."
"I loved you when you were no asshole", she whispered and moved out.
She slammed the door and left me sitting on the floor and covering my face with my hands.
I started to cry and scream.
-Celine's POV-
I ran into Cameron's car.
I was still crying. "What happened to you? Don't cry...", he said wiping my tears away.
I hugged him, "Shawn screamed and said things no one should say to someone... but I know that he is jealous. He still loves me but fights against it."
"Don't give up! We'll do it", he said comforting me.
He drove me home, because I wanted him to.
-2 days later-
It was dark outside and I had my hoodie on so that no one would recognise me.
"You can't keep me with the deal. It's over... my mom's dead and you can't help her", I said straight into his face.
"Celine... I know that you haven't got money to pay the rent for your house... your landlord and I spoke and I purchased your house. It belongs to me but as long as you play with my rules it will belong to you."
"You little bastard", I said.
Andrew was so evil. I couldn't believe what he did for Shawn's fame. But I knew that there was something going wrong in his head so I recorded everything he said with my mobile in my bag.
After a while I left the dark street and went back home.
On my way home I saw Shawn sitting on my stairs.
"What are you doing here?", I asked him.
"I want you back", he said looking sadly into my eyes.
"Shawn... I am in a relationship with Cam-"
"Don't say his name... why are you this late?", he asked me.
"Mind your own business, Mr. Mendes", I told him and walked into the house.
He followed me in and grabbed me.
I started so scream but no one was at home. Sam was with Amanda and Cameron... showing them the city and so on.
"Shawn leave my house!", I yelled as he carried me on his shoulder upstairs.
He threw me on my bed and sat there facing me.
I started breathing heavily. I didn't want to do something I would regret... but his scent was torturing me. It smelled so good and I just wanted him so bad. I missed the night in the hut... the smell of the air by the beach and his touch. His soft looking skin made me want to touch it but I had to hold myself back.
"I know you want me, Celine. I know that you want me as much as I want you. So let's do it now... I can't wait no longer... I've missed your touch and your voice when you moaned my name."
I gulped. He looked a little bit sweaty. I knew he was nervous and it looked damn sexy.

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