(POV of unknown)
"I can't take it... I mean they look too happy together. It's not that they can't be but what about me? And what about the deal?", he asked him. He waited for his answer. They had so many plans that night and the plans were so evil that no one could fight them. Finally he lifted his head up from looking down and thinking.
"Just wait. I will tear them apart and give her to Cameron", he answered, "it won't last long. I will tell Shawn about the deal and that Celine made me to do all of that because she wanted to taste the fame"
They both smirked evil at each other.
"Now... the plan is...", he started to say.
Then he ended up saying those words:
"We will take everything from her when she's not doing what we want. First we start with her brother. Then we go on with his girlfriend. Then slowly Shawn"
It was dark outside again, almost midnight. They both shook hands and afterwards they stepped into their cars. They drove in the opposite directions
This time they went home and weren't drunk. They laid in their beds and tried to get some sleep.
One thought about the plan and the other about the girl he could have.
Yeah you read right. The GIRL he could have. Celine. The persons I am talking about are Cameron and Andrew.
They both fell asleep peacefully. That night they could finally dream about something. Andrew about money and wealth, Cameron about marrying Celine.
-Shawn's POV-
Celine stayed for the week at my place. We slept in each others arms every night and morning. We made breakfast together and danced till the night came.
The last night we spent together before she had to leave was on a Friday.
We stood there in the living room which was lightened by candle lights. The room was filled with music.
She stood on my feet and I moved forwards and backwards. We danced together with her on my feet.
While we danced she was hugging me tightly. "I want to stay so bad... but I have to go to look for my brother... he's still seventeen years old."
"Just live with me, here.", I begged her.
"I can't. I can't now. But jut wait till Sam turns eighteen, because then I promise you to move in", she said smiling and looking deeply into my eyes.
She was still standing on my feet.
I lifted up her chin with my hand and looked on her soft lips.
As my lips tasted hers it felt like knifes in my heart.
I parted my lips from hers and looked into her eyes again.
"What's the matter?", she asked me looking worried.
Then she stepped back on the floor and was still touching my shoulder.
"It's just... I'm going to miss you", I said.
"Shawn it's okay that you're flying to London. Your career is more important right now. And I will simply stay with my brother. What's wrong with that?", she said cheering me up.
"But the distance..."
"Doesn't matter. We can skype anytime"
"Time zones?"
"We can text each other when we're going to skype", she said laughing.
Then she hugged me again.
"Aawww... Shawn", she whispered into my ear.
I buried my head into her neck and smelled her scent.

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