When we were almost dry we got into Shawn's car and he drove us back to his place. It was too late for me to go home so I stayed over night.
"Where do you want to sleep?", he asked me.
"It's okay in the couch. I mean it's comfortable and just for one night", I replied.
"No, I won't let you sleep there. Sleep with me... I mean in the same bed and just sleeping. Not that I would want more than that", he stuttered. "Oh, really?", I said moving closer to him.
He smiled and I gave him a kiss.
He thought that I would give him more but I just teased him.
As our lips parted I went straight to his bed.
I laid there facing him.
"What? It's too late for that", I said.
"Duh... why?", he asked and took his place next to me.
"I... you know, I never have done this before", I said, "I'm still seventeen years old, Shawn... and you are almost twenty one."
"I like illegal stuff", he said chuckling. "But I don't. Wait till I turn eight teen"
He sighed.
After a while of talking we both fell asleep in each other's arms.
A few days passed by and Shawn and I were like a couple. We both weren't sure if we should be a couple or not. So we kept calling our names instead of "Darling", "Babe" and stuff.
We played some guitar chords and wrote them down on a sheet of paper. Than I heard Shawn singing a melody upstairs. I listened to him carefully. He had so many ideas and melodies in his head since our first kiss...
I felt happy for him to have those but I also felt bad for lying straight to his face.
Then I got interrupted by a phone call.
"Yeah?", I said.
"Where are you?", Andrew asked.
"Look, Andrew... I don't wanna do this anymore. I can't. It just doesn't feel right.", I told him.
"We had our deal!", he yelled, "You can't just do that! I need a heartbroken Shawn"
"You are a evil piece of shit, you know?", I told him and hung up the call.
"Who was that?", asked Shawn coming downstairs. "No one. Uhm, Shawn... my birthday is in a few days so... I would like to celebrate it with you", I told him.
"Cool. Where is your party?"
"I don't want a party. I just want to be with you, Shawn", I said.
"Aww that's so cute", he said squeezing my cheeks.
"Stop it haha"
He let go of my face and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I love you", he said.
"How can you love me. I mean we know each other for a few weeks now."
"I don't know... I just do haha. Don't you love me?", he asked.
"Of course I do. But I just mean... I mean, if we had secrets..."
"Do you have secrets?", he asked back.
"No... no... of course not", I started looking around. I was such a bad liar... I panicked. "Everything okay?", he asked.
"Yeah, yeah. I just have to use the toilet", I said walking into the bathroom. -Shawn's POV-
Something was weird about her. I was sure that she was hiding something. She must have a secret! I wanted to know what it is so bad but I decided to trust her.
I don't know how or why but there was something about her that made me fall in love with her. She almost quit smoking now... just for me. She reduced the amount of cigarettes, just for me.
She changed for me. And I changed for her. I decided to trust people and see the good things in them. She made me creative again... she was my inspiration. The wildness in her eyes, the softness of her lips and the pureness of her skin... everything about her was my inspiration and I loved it.
I loved her. I wanted her so badly. I couldn't wait for her 18th birthday.
I'm sorry to be like this. Don't think that I'm a pervert now but if you were me you would think the same. She was hot and cold at the same time and I loved it. Her heat made me freeze.

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