Chapter 19

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The next morning when we woke up we surveyed the damage of last nights sleepover. Bottles of nail polish were covering the sides of the hot tub and clothes were thrown across the floor from when Mi na played 'dress up the Jami'.

"Uh, should I clean up?" I asked.

"No. The house keeper will get it taken care of later." She kicked the clothes into a single pile and then began writing a note to the house keeper. She stuck the note on the bed with an envelope containing a 'tip'.

"Okay. Let's get ready for the day." She grabbed her phone and began scrolling, "It looks like the boy's have a photo shoot today, you'll be getting your passport today, then we'll head back to the main building for a bit to fill out some paper work and the contract for your training, and after that there will be some free time in which Pdnim said the boys can show you around a bit... and a few other things."

We parted to get ready for the day and I returned to my room. I pulled out the last two outfits I had and decided which to wear. The large pink BTS sweater and skinny jeans with the white plat form boots from the first day. Mi na loosely curled my hair and gave me a soft and natural make up look.

"I hope that when I become a kpop idol you are my stylist." I said as she lined my eyes with a dark brown liner, "And then we'll always be together."

She smiled and quickly finished up.

By the time we reached the area where the photo shoot was going to take place they had already started. The boys all had different colored hair from yesterday.

Wow. When did they have time for that?

They were wearing brightly colored clothes in a brightly colored room.

"Is this a concept for their new album?" I whispered to Mi na.

She nodded, "Yeah it's for the Her album."

"What? Her? Is that what the new album called."

She nodded again.

Jimin's hair was blond now. He was wearing a yellow shirt and overalls with red shoes. I felt my breath hitch. Beautiful. That was the only why to describe it. He was gazing intensely at the camera, the type of stare that pierced your soul. I could see all the Chimmie fangirls dropping dead already. After the bright and abstract shots were taken they began packing up to move locations. The boys ran up to me before they had to go and change.

"Ahh! Jami's wearing our shirt!" Jin clapped.

Namjoon mussed my hair, "It looks good on you."

I batted away his hand and smoothed down Mi na's carefully styled curls, "Hey careful. Mi na worked hard to make me look good."

Tae laughed, "But you already looked good Jami!"

He flashed me his signature square smile and I looked at my feet flustered.

"He's right." Hobi said, "You looked pretty from the moment you first woke up in our dorm."

I bit my lip, "When you say it like that it sounds...."

"What?" Tae asked curiously.

"Bad...." I said.

I was going to say 'slutty' but decided not to since the fetus was present. Even if he is actually older than me.

They laughed at my choice of words with made me blush harder.

"Okay, but really." Jungkookie bent down to look closer at my face, "Your skin is glowing today. Did you do something different?"

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