Chapter 10

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After the day had ended I returned home with Mi na. Bts's new song was now fully recorded and tomorrow the MV and episode would be posted. I smiled to myself as I combed out my wet hair, I had done it. Told Yoongi everything I had ever wanted to tell him. And now it seemed that he had excepted me. Of course, he didn't go straight from hating me to being my bestfriend... but he did give off an 'older brother' feel. I still couldn't believe how well things had been going for me.

I turned on the computer on the desk and checked for any Bts updates on the fan café. Nothing of interest was happening so I closed the laptop and flopped onto the bed. The concert would be in two days (well more like one since this one was almost over.).

"My first Live concert..." I thought. As I drifted to sleep I tried to imagine how it would be. That night I had a dream with a lot of white surrounding me. I was falling through the sky with a blond haired boy and everything was shaking. A quiet melody drifted through the background...

"Jangmi! Wake up! You need to get ready to go!"

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and answered, "Okay Mi na! thank you for waking me!" I rustled through my still bagged clothes and pulled out a large, grey, sweater dress and black leggings. It would be a great outfit for the damp and rainy day it was. I paired it with some black, chunky heeled boots and pulled my hair into a half up- half down style of twin buns. I quickly stumbled down the stairs and Mi na pulled me to her room.

"Aren't we going to be late?" I asked.

"A little," she sat me down in a chair and started on my makeup, "But now that everyone knows you to be a trainee we need to keep up your image." She applied a red-orange lip tint and natural shadowy eye makeup."Okay! Let's go! We're going to be late!" We rushed out and got into her family car. She collapsed into the back seat and massaged her temples.

"Ah, Mi na." She looked at me and I continued my apology, "I'm sorry I over slept! You can wake me up earlier, or I could start setting an alarm, or something."

Mi na sat up surprised, "Oh no! It's fine! I understand how difficult it must be for you right now! With time difference and all."

"But my time-zone is behind yours! I should be waking up hours earlier! And you look so stressed and worn out from taking care of me!"

She waved her hand at me, "Really, don't worry about it. I really enjoy your company. I have never had that many girl-friends." She looked a little hurt as she spoke, but I decided not to pester her with questions.

"Well, either way, I am still super thankful." She smiled and we continued to chat during the ride focusing on a less stressful topic.

We arrived at the concert stadium to work on set up and practice.

"Wah! This place is huge!" I ran across the length of the stage and spun at the edge, "I can't believe you are always performing in places like this!"

Jhope laughed, "When we first started out we didn't think we would end up in places like this either." He stood next to me and crouched into a running position asking to race me. I called Taehyung over to race too and looked around for someone to call start.

"Jungkookie!" He looked up and waved.

"Can you call start for us?" I asked.

"Sure." He causally strode up the steps and stood next to me.

"Thanks Jungkook." I said.

"No problem." He raised his arm as the starting flag and we got ready, "Get ready racers! On my mark, get set, Go!" His arm dropped and we darted to the other end of the stage. (It was a good thing my boots only had a small and chunky heel)

I reached the edge first and turned around laughing, "No fair! Tae, Hobi, You let me win!" They smiled like they had 'no idea what I was talking about'. I tried to steadied myself and catch my breath. "Ah! All that spinning and running makes you dizzy." I laughed and allowed my legs to give out dropping to the stage floor.

"Jami," Hoseok and Tae stumbled up to me laughing just as hard, "Are you (Laughter) Alright?"

I nodded, "Are you? Both of you are laughing so hard you're going to run out of air." They nodded and sat down next to me.

"Hey!" Sejin walked up to the stage, "It's good to see you guys having fun, but we have work to do. You boys need to practice the songs you're doing." Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin walked into the stadium from the back room and joined us at the stage. Hobi and Tae stood and started talking to their manager about the performance, and I let my legs dangle off the edge.

"The stage is pretty high," I thought, " Maybe five and a half feet off the ground. Definitely taller than me."

"Jami." Jin called snapping me out of my daze, "We are about to practice now. Why don't you go watch from one of the seats?"

"Oh right!" I quickly stood. I felt my foot hit air instead of the stage and shrieked.

"Jami!" Everyone seemed to call at once. I felt an arm grab my hand and pull me up wrapping the other around my waist stopping my fall. I looked back to the person who stopped me from completely falling off the stage. I was mere inches from Jimin's face. His soft brown hair, dark eyes, and beautifully perfect face were right in front of me.

He pulled me farther on to stage, "You should be more careful." He said. I nodded, not able to say anything.

"Jami are you okay!" The others crowded around me all talking at the same time.

"You really need to be careful!"

"That's Jimin for you, quick reflexes, always saving everyone else from falling. If only he could use them on himself."

"Maybe you should stay off the stage for now." All I could do was nod. My heart was pounding a thousand beats per a second and all I could think was how close we were. They walked me off the stage and made sure I was comfortably in a chair before practice began. During their practice I noticed Jimin kept glancing at me, He was probably just making sure I wasn't accidentally killing myself... but still... I kept thinking about how when he pulled me back, how close we were, how he stared into my eyes, how he licked his lips, how his hand rested on my waist. I squealed covering my face to hide the blush I was sure was appearing.

"You're so perfect for me! You complete me, finish me, where would I be without you!" Jimin sang was they practiced their new song. My face burned harder,

"They are just the lines he is supposed to sing." I tried to tell myself, "He's not talking about you. He didn't even write the song." It wasn't helping. The mini song was all about a girl and was meant to get fans excited for the 'Her' comeback, not to make me melt on the spot from fangirling. I continued fangirling by myself until lunch break when Tae came over and told me that we would be splitting up into groups and going out to eat.

"There will be two groups of three and one of two so as to not attract attention. Each group will be taking one staff member in addition." Sejin explained. He pulled out a cup and filled it with rolled paper then offered it to us. We all took a paper and unrolled it.

"A." I said looking up to see who else had my letter. Not Jhope, or Tae. Namjoon? Jin? Nope. Suga? Also no. Two people held papers with 'A' plastered across them, Jimin and Jungkook.

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