chapter 2

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"Korean!? I don't know how to speak Korean!" I stood and started pacing over the pillows and sheets scattered on the floor, "The only language I've ever spoken is English!" I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't know why I had thought this would be a cool or super exiting or even not weird and possibly the worst way I could ever meet Jimin.

Namjoon walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, then in Korean, "We're going to need your family's number so that we can contact them. Our manager is looking for the soonest available flight back to America right now. We're still figuring out other details though..." He rubbed his neck and gestured to my clothes, "And where you can stay in the meantime."

I glanced down at my outfit. I had been so panicked I had forgotten that I was wearing my pjs, not like what I looked like was at all important in this crazy situation. White, flowy, mini shorts with a pastel purple trim, and matching Tee. Luckily, I was in my cute pajamas in front of my bias and not in my other ones (Big black Tee with white words across front, and black basketball shorts). I defensively wrapped my arms around myself. This was all going so wrong. I know this is what I thought I wanted, but now... not so much. But at least I had a plan now. Call parents, get flight, go home... maybe the only good thing that would come out of this is that now I don't need subs and if my flight's tomorrow or something I can probably stay with bts, and you know, Jimin.

"Way to stay positive Rose. You're freakin' teleported to jimin and now magicly speak Korean." I thought sarcastically, "Ok, but that's not too bad. Right? Hopefully though after I get home I don't rewake up here again. Still need to figure out how THAT happened."

"So, I'll be able to go home soon?"

Namjoon gave me a patient and somewhat understanding smile, "Yes we should be able to get you back to your family soon."

I felt a wave of relief washed over me and I felt a tiny bit better about this whole thing.

Sejin walked back into the room shaking his head in a disappointed manner, "Bad news, the closest flight back to Seattle is in the middle of next week."

I felt my soul and any positivity it had managed to gather drop and wither away to nothingness. "A week." I said weakly, "A week stuck in Korea... but- but-" I did not think that I could stay in Korea a week (especially if I had to stay by myself). Food, clothes, house... so much I needed.

Jimin turned to the staff worriedly, "Where is she going to stay? We are going to help her, right?"

Sejin flipped through a few papers as if figuring out the details in his mind, "Yes. She should be able to stay with us. During the day, she can hang around with you boys, and at night Mi na said 'Rose' (correct?) may stay with her. For clothes... does anyone have clothes she may barrow? we'll need a few outfits. Ji su. She's about your size... a bit Shorter though. We might have to buy some."

It felt like my heart was getting ripped to shreds. They were doing so much for me, and for all they knew I could have just lied and been some crazy obsessed fan who snuck in and was pretending to be from America. I mean, I WAS half Asian. Half Chinese to be exact. My eyes didn't have the awesome mono lid, but my hair was dark and my pale skin had yellowish undertones. Also, I WAS on the shorter side at only five foot one. So I could have been anyone. Especially after I started speaking Korean randomly, that's not weird or suspicious at all. Mostly I was just still a bit freaked out about this whole thing though. I mean, how...

"Well it's been decided!" Sejin said making me snap back to the present, "Well we get you boys to practice well Ji su (stylist) takes rose out for a bit of shopping. But first, we need to contact your family." He pulled out a phone and passed it to me.

I quickly dialed my mom's phone and it began to ring.

"Hello? Who is this?" I heard my Mom said from the other end.

"Mom! It's me! Oh! Uh," I forgot had forgotten to speak in English and quickly adjusted my vocabulary, "Mom, It's me! I need your help! I woke up and now I'm in Korea and I can't come home for a long time because the next available flight isn't till next week and-"

"Hold on honey!" Mom said, cutting me off, "Where are you!? What's going on? I thought you were still asleep in your room!"

I took a deep breath. This was going to be hard to explain. she'd probably think I had snuck out and at a friend's house or something (Even though I never do that) "Mom I am stuck in Korea, I'm with Bts. You know the Korean guy band I like watching? Ya, them. I don't know how I got here and I can't come home right away. I need you and dad to stay calm. The staff and members are very nice and are taking great care of me, but..." I ran my hand through my hair. I had always been good at listening and calming others, but couldn't share my own feelings or open up to anyone myself. "Mom, tell me everything will be alright. Please."

There was silents and then a heavy sigh, "Rose, I don't know what you're trying at, but put whatever adult that is near you on the phone right now."

My heart fell. She didn't believe me. Not that I would act any different if my little sis Vi told me she had appeared in Korea with Bts and was now able to speak in Korean.

"Yes Mom." I mumbled as I handed the phone to the closest person next to me. "Here," I said in Korean, "She, My Mom said she wanted to speak with an adult."

"Oh! Uh, um, Hello?"

"Dang it." I thought. I looked to see who I had handed the phone to.

"Oh! Uh, My name Jimin. Rose is with us in Korea... No, no. Eh?" Jimin quickly handed the phone to Sejin and looked at me, he looked a little confused but also... amused maybe? Whatever my mom said was probably not a good thing

Hi every one! It's Me! Sooo... If you already read chapters 1-15 then you don't need to read any reposts. Some told me my story format was a little hard to read so I'm ust going through and trying to space everything out a bit better. It may take a While and I am working on the latest chapter. Thank you for being patient! I'm taking classes this summer so sorry if it's so slow going! _ Also I saw someone had been reposting my chapters on ... It's ok if you do this, but please give me credit! I noticed you took out any reference to it being My story and I just thought I'd add this as a note. -RR

(p.s. in case you don't get notifications about reuploads I will be reposting this as a Author note separately.)

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