Chapter 12

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Once we arrived back at the stadium Jimin and Jungook had to go right back to practice. I on the other hand had some time to spare. A lot of time. I was sitting by myself, daydreaming to pass the time when I noticed Jhope walk up beside me.

"Hey Hoseok, what's up?"

He handed me a box, "Here. I got this for you. Jin and I ate lunch at a cafe near by. I saw it and thought you'd like it. The cake there is supposed to be really good." I thanked him and opened the box. Inside was a small round cake. It was vanilla flavored with a thin chocolate frosting dripping down the sides. Little chocolate curls covered the top and a strawberry sat in the center atop a swirl of cream.

"Wah! Thank you! It's so pretty!"

He smiled, "Right?! Do you want to try it?" I nodded and picked up the little fork that was in the box.

I brought the bite of cake to my mouth, "Mmm!"

"Is it good?" Hoseok leaned closer.

I nodded, "Yep! Thank you!"

"Good!" He stared at me for a moment and I shifted uneasily,

"D-do you want to try some?"

He paused for a moment, "Nah, I'll let you enjoy it. Anyways, I have to go back to practice." He smiled brightly and left. I poked at the cake feeling awkward.

"Ah! Mi na!" I waved her over to where I was sitting.

"What is it Jami?"

"Are you busy right now? Jhope brought me this cake from the cafe they went to but I don't know if I can finish it all. I'm still a little full from our lunch."

"Sure, I don't have much to do right now. Wah, it's pretty cute. He has good taste." I nodded and handed her a plastic fork from the refreshment table. We chatted as we shared the little cake.

"So...," I began, "How much time before dress rehearsal? That's when you're needed next right?"

"Roughly two hours," Mi na scraped the last of the frosting of of the box, "we can go back to the house anytime after 6:30. That's when dress rehearsal should end, unless you want to stick around longer."

"I'll let you decide." I cleaned up the coffee table we were sitting at and sat back down. "Also... I really want to thank you for taking care of me well I've been here. I know you've said it wasn't a problem, but... still... I'm really grateful."

Mi na smiled, "I'm glad you appreciate it, but it really is no problem. I have enjoyed your company greatly." The door opened and I jumped.

"Oh! Hi Jami! Hi Mi na!" Taehyung waved at us.

"Oh, hey Tae. What's up?" "Jhope said you were in here. I was going to ask you if you wanted to do something fun with us."

"Do what?" I asked.

"Well, we were practicing the singing and dancing and thought that you might want to learn one of our dances. We figured you might be a little bored." He glanced at Mi na, "But it's okay if you're having fun here instead."

"Umm..." I thought for a moment, I did enjoy talking with Mi na, But I also really wanted to 'professionally' learn one of the dances from the actual members...

"It's okay," Mi na said, "I was originally just going to grab some coffee from in here. I didn't actually mean to spend this long talking with you."

I look at the clock, "Wah... It's already been thirty minutes..."

"Go have fun." She said. I nodded and thanked her again as we exited the room.

We walked back out to the stage room and V lead me up the stairs to the other members.

"Just don't go to close to the edge." He joked.

I smiled, "So what dance are you going to teach me?"

"Well we were thinking the dance to our newest song. You would be the very first fan to learn it."

I nodded, "Okay. Sounds fun."

"We all have different parts though, so which part do you want to learn?" Namjoon asked.

"Hmm..." When I practiced their dances at my house I had always taken Jimin's part, (for obvious reasons) but now... Yep still going to choose Jimin's part.

"Um, I'd like to learn..." I blushed, "Jimin's part of the song, I mean dance."

"Alright then. Jimin that means you're in charge of teaching her the moves to your part. The rest of us will dance like normal so she can learn the correct timing." Namjoon explained that well Jimin taught me his part they would continue practicing.

Jimin walked over to me and smiled, "Ready to start?

" I nodded, "I think so."

"Okay..." Jimin ran his hand through his hair, "I guess The best way to teach you would be to break it in to parts... So, the first section is... Well you start crouched like this..." He laughed, "Ah, this feels awkward. So how about I show you first and then you can try." I stood next to him so I could see the correct perspective. "Down, du da du, right, right." He mumbled to himself. After he showed me I tried it a few times before we moved on to the next part. It went on like this until I basically had the whole dance memorized and just needed to perfect everything.

"So for this move..." He took my hands and shifted their position. 'His hands are really warm.' I thought.

"Hey are you guy's done?" Jin asked.

Jimin released my hands, "Yeah, I think she's good."

"Ah, Jimin. I see you've taken this opportunity to hold hands with a pretty girl like Jami." Jin smiled at me, "Anyways, we only have an hour to practice this before dress rehearsal."

Jimin hummed thoughtfully, "I guess we should go then."

"Are you coming Jami?" Jin asked.

I nodded and began walking with them..... 'OH MY GOSH! JIMIN OPPA JUST HELD MY HAND! AFGKHV!'

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