Chapter 4

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I felt a bomb of happiness explode in me. No matter how weird and difficult this situation was I was ecstatic at the idea of going to a BTS concert. I let out a little squeal of happiness. Now that I was becoming a little more relaxed and used to being here I was having more fun.

"Ohh! Rose you get to hear our new song!" Hobi pranced over to me and pulled me up by my hands.

"You have a new song!?" I said excitedly.

He grinned from ear to ear, "Yeah! It's for the new Mini show on V-live! Suga is still working on it though."

"What's it called?" I asked.

"I don't know yet... but I heard the sound track and most of the lyrics! It sounds so good! Suga has been working very hard and I can't wait!"

I looked towards Suga who was currently resting against a wall, "I bet it will turn out super great! Fighting!" He eyed me like he wasn't sure he wanted to welcome this new person, this new person who just magically appeared in Jimin's arms well they were sleeping.

"Yep. He's probably judging me right now." I thought.

Jhope continued talking, "One thing that's really cool is we all are going to be writing solos for the Live too. I hope mine turns out alright."

I smiled, "that sounds really cool! Sometimes I try to write songs but I'm not very good at it... The only good ones end up sounding super depressing. Maybe slow songs are just easier to write?"

"Ahh! Rose is so talented!" Hobi cheered, "Can you sing and dance too?"

"Ah! No no no no! I don't think... I don't... Not in front of other people?" I ended weakly.

"I bet Rose is really good! Come on why don't you dance with us?" Jhope started pulling me toward the center of the room. V became excited and joined us then Hobi started the music.

'Fire' blasted through the speakers. V and Jhope began to freestyle to the dance. I awkwardly stood in the middle of them as the others began to clap to the beat. I have been taking hip hop and jazz since I was thirteen so I could easily dance to a song like this... but like I said, I didn't usually dance (Or sing) in front of other people. Well I did dance in malls sometimes while I looked for clothes but people didn't really paid attention then so it didn't matter, now everyone/Bts was going to watch me dance. I nervously began to bob to the beat, something I always did to start freestyle. The chorus started up and I started dancing. My face burned and it felt like the entire world was watching me dance and judging how well I did. I noticed Jimin leave the ring around us and start dancing next to me. I felt a boost of confidence with him being there and decided to dance, really dance.

"They don't care how well you dance. And let's face it, you know you're good and you look awesome!" I thought shoving the last ounce of nervous embarrassment away and letting the music take control.

"Ohhh!" The other members began hooting and shouting their approval. Namjoon joined us and by the end of the song so did Jin.

"Wow! Rose is a really good dancer!" Jhope praised.

I laughed as I pulled my long hair off my back and over my shoulder to cool me down, "I've been in dance classes for a while now."

"You're better than most of them. Maybe they should take lessons from you!" Jimin joked. I blushed but thankfully no one could tell since I was already flush from dancing so hard.

"You should show us your singing too!" Jhope said.

"Ah, no. I'm all out of breath." I lied, "Maybe some other time."

"Aww. Oh well I guess we'll have to wait." Hobi said.

"Come on everyone." Their instructor said, "Back to practicing. We have a lot more we need to cover." I went to sit by the wall as the boys got back into position.

"Hello!" Someone opened the door and everyone paused, "We are going to be filming some of the practice to put on the Fancafe!" The people filed in and set up the camera over by the end of the room. I sat off to the side where I would be out of the way and they began, "Action!"

As the day of practice ended for them Mi na came to pick me up. We drove to her house with all the things I had gotten that day. Once we were there she showed me to a room. It was a medium sized space with a double bed. There was a desk with a line phone and a computer on it.

"Um, do you mind if I use the phone and laptop?" I asked, "I need to call my Mom and stuff."

She nodded, "Of course. The bathroom is right down the hall if you want to take a shower." She closed the door and I hear her walk away.

"Good, she didn't ask what I was going to do with the computer." I thought. I really wanted to check fancafe to see if the members had said anything about me. I slid into the chair and reached for the computer then stopped. I should probably call my mom and get ready for bed first. I shifted the direction of my hand and picked up the phone. It rung, and rung, and guess what! Rung. I smacked my head. Duh. Time difference. I placed the phone back and walked to the bathroom. A fresh towel, washcloth, and tooth brush was set out for me. I washed and brushed then headed back to my room. I pulled the pjs I was wearing this morning out of the bag and slipped them on. I pat dried my hair and walked over to the laptop. The screen lit up and I clicked the 'Guest' user. I typed in the passcode that was taped to the edge of the keyboard and pulled up the interwebs. I signed into my fancafe account and pulled up the latest post. The video they took from earlier was already uploaded... like a billion times. Most of them were in the comments by the fans. They were labeled things like

'What is over there?',

'Member Jimin and Jungkook can't stop looking in the corner of the room',

and 'One of Member's new Girlfriend!?'.

The comments had millions of replies as fans seemed to be surprised, confused, and excited. I clicked one of the videos. It had slowed different parts of the video where it showed both Jimin and Jungkook looking towards the wall. I clicked the one labeled 'One of Member's new Girlfriend!?'. This one was slowed and focused on parts most of the others where. But at one point it froze and circled something at the wall they had been staring at. It zoomed in and focused on a white, platform, ankle boot that had moved onto screen. A caption popped up that said, "Girls white boot. Our boys seem very interested in what's over there. Maybe Jimin or Jungkook's secret new girlfriend?" I paused the video and looked to where I had thrown my shoes from earlier. The white, platform, ankle boots seemed to stand out in the darkness. The boots from the video where my boots that were sitting on the floor.

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