Chapter 6

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I held the phone close to my ear, hopefully Mom was home. It should be mid-yesterday their time.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded comforting after not hearing it for so long.

"Hi Mom, sorry I didn't call last night... well I mean I did but you didn't pick up so..."

"That's okay sweetie. Sorry I didn't answer. Is everything alright? You sound nervous."

"Actually... Um... I accidently caused some trouble and a whole lot of stuff happened, it's a long story, but... uh... They're offering to make me a Kpop idol! And I really want to say yes! But I knew I should ask you since after school I'd have to move back to Korea and I probably wouldn't get to see you guys very much but I thought about it and I really want to do this! I think I'd be good at it and before now I had no idea what to do with my life!"

I paused to take a breath and see what my Mom had to say.

"Absolutely Not!" I groaned internally as Mom began her rant, "It is out of the question you are not moving to Korea after you finish high school! That is only one more year from now!"

"Well they actually would like me now but I told them you'd want me to finish school first..." I mumbled, "Besides, I want this... I really want this! Can't you let me go after my dreams!? It's not even like I'm going after something impossible. I literally just got a job opportunity! At BigHit! Bts's company! You can't keep me sheltered forever. I would have been attending college next year without any clue on what to do with myself, and now I have the perfect situation for doing this."

"Still! I am your mother and I am telling you that you need to take this slowly! All those actors and idols always end up crazy and corrupted later in life, I don't want that for you."

"When was the last time you looked up Asian Idols becoming crazy? You're only talking about the American actors and singers... Besides have you ever heard of a girl just waking up in another country and being presented with an amazing opportunity like this!? Maybe I am supposed to be here, maybe this was supposed to happen. Like it was meant to be." My brain began to flood with questions and theories. But the only thing I was sure about was that I WAS meant to be here and do this.

A sigh came from the other end of the phone and I imagined how Mom was probably rubbing her temples, "Can't we talk about this later when you're back home?"

"About that... they need answer now because a bunch of the fans noticed me and are asking questions. Sooooo... they want me to appear on Vlive. In like Thirty minutes. To explain and... stuff."

There was a long pause and the tension built itself up as I awaited her answer, "... ... ... . . . ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I jumped and pulled the phone back as my Mom began yelling into the phone. She said something about basically having no opinion in the matter since it was pretty much already decided and how this whole thing was impossible and it was all my fault for getting noticed and all their fault for not finding a better excuse and the airlines fault for not being able to get me home sooner and my fault(again) for liking Kpop so much in the first place and when my Dad got home what a long talk she would have with him and with me when I got home and she better not regret her decision and she was probably going crazy for saying this but...

She let out a deep breath and said, "Your right. You are going to start having to make decision for yourself. I really don't know why I'm saying this, every ounce of me wants to tell you that you are forbidden and are never leaving the house again, but... stay safe... you have... you have my permission."

Wake up Callحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن