Chapter 11

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"What do you want to eat?" Mi na asked. Since I was staying with her Mi na was the staff member to go with our group 'A'.

"How about fast food?" Jungkook asked.

"Let's let Jami pick since she's never been to Korea before," Jimin said, "She may want to try something new."

Jungkook seemed taken back a nodded turning towards me, "Oh! That's right! What do you want to eat Jami?"

I thought for a moment, "I want to eat something not supper spicy..."

Mi na laughed, "That's going to be hard to find around here. How about... hmm." She tapped her cheek, thinking.

"I know," Jimin said, "If you want, we can go to this Korean grill place. They have quite a few orders that aren't very spicy. It's really good."

"Okay," I agreed, "Let's go there then." Having decided we prepared to leave. Jimin and Jungkook pulled on heavy coats and hats. They slipped masks over their mouths and put on dark sunglasses.

"Wha! You two look scary!" I said gazing over their unusual attire, "Like you could be stalkers or something." Jungkook laughed and Jimin framed his face with his hands.

"Let's go before lunch break is over." Mi na said pushing us towards the door.

We arrived at the restaurant and the waiter sat us at a table. It was a casual place, not fancy, but not like a fastfood joint either. They handed us a simple one-side menu and left us to ponder our order.

"So..." I stared down at the menu having no idea what most of these foods were, "What would you guys recommend...?" Mi na shrugged, and Jungkook said he'd never been to the place. I looked to my left and realized that when we had sat down Jimin had slid in next to me. I felt my breath hitch.

"They serve really good bulgogi here." Jimin said. I nodded, again.

"Why. Why can you not form any words!? Not even a quick thanks!" I mentally scolded myself.

"I..._ Guess I'll order that then." I finally managed to say. He smiled and nearly squealed. I kinda... sorta... almost stopped a full on fan-girling session. Instead it came out as little 'meep' and a slight covering of my face.

"Wha! Jimin, look you're scaring her!" Jungkook said as he smacked Jimin from across the table, "Jami, would you rather sit next to Mi na or me?"

I shook my head, "Ah, no. It's okay. You have the wrong idea... I was just... surprised?" I sound very uncertain and totally like I was lying. Mi na cover her snicker with a cough and Jungkook just raised an eyebrow.

"Ah! Jungkook! Stop trying to keep Jami all to yourself!" Jimin joked.

"I should saying that to you right now!" Jungkook laughed smacking Jimin again.

"Alright settle down guys." Mi na said, "You don't want to attract to much attention." They immediately obeyed. The waiter guy came back and took our orders before heading off to the kitchen. We waited patiently for the food to be brought out and made some small talk.

"Soooooo..." I started, "What are we doing after lunch?"

"Mostly we need to finish setting everything up for the concert, practice, and a 'dress rehearsal'. It will take basically the whole day." I nodded.

"Are you excited to attend your first live concert?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh! Yes! Definitely!" I replied, "Am I going to be watching from back stage?"

He nodded, "There are a few way to monitor the performance, The Live TV backstage, Or because the way this stadium is laid out you could watch from the sides, or even above." The food was brought out and it smelled amazing.

"Jal meokgesseumnida." Mi na, Jungkook, and Jimin said. I mummbled a quick mimic of their words. Mi na took the first bite of food. She had covered her dishes in chili pepper flakes. It looked both very spicy and delicious.

Jimin leaned over to 'whisper' in my ear, "In Korea it is proper to let the oldest person take the first bite... That's why Mi na ate first."

It took my mind a few seconds to process what he hinted at due to his close proximity, "Wait, Mi na is the oldest?" I turned towards her shocked.

"You don't have to look so surprised," Mi na smiled, "But yes. It's true. I am the oldest of our group."

"Wait how old are you? I mean I'm sorry that was rude, it's just that you look so young! And you still live with your Dad..."

She shook her head, "No, it's fine. I'm actually flattered. I am twenty four right now (American age)(she would be 26 in Korea)." I stared at her in amazement. She was a whole seven years older than me and all this time I thought she could be no older than nineteen. Ok maybe twenty since koreans tend to look pretty young, but still. We chatted as we finished our meal when Mi na checked the time.

"Oh! We better get moving. The drive back is going to be about 30minutes, pluse 10 if there is traffic." She called for the check and we left the restaurant. As we were waiting for the car to dive back to the front I noticed a group of girls on the sidewalk across from us. They all had their phones out but were holding them low as if they were trying not to draw attention to them but still at a strange angel. They were looking around and talking to eachother... all except for one girl, who was clearly pointing her phone directly at us and spamming the screens button so fast that the phones flash could barely keep up.

"Um...." I scooted closer to the group, "Mi na, I think those girls are taking pictures of us..." Mi na looked up to the direction I nodded in. The car drove up and she quickly instructed us to get in. She told the driver to wait for her and then quickly crossed the street to the group of girls. They seemed to be startled as she talked to them. They tapped their phones and she talked with them a little bit more before crossing back over and climbing into the car with us.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I just ask to delete all the photos and gave them a strict warning to not try and start any roamers."

"Let's hope nothing happens... I don't want to start even more trouble then I already have."

Hey guys! Me again... So I thought I'd share a little like bit of the hidden secrets and cool 'bonus' things I've been including in my fanfic!

So one thing is, I'm not sure anyone's noticed this yet but... in the beginning chapter when Rose finally falls asleep she has a dream about 'ice cream and cats'. Later on in the story when she is shopping with the stylist she gets a light purple shirt with 'ice cream and cats' on it!

The second one is, Some of you may have noticed that not everything is lining up quite right... and that's because I accidentally used some of the original story (notes) instead and had to go back and fix them later on. Like how at first I wrote that she was fifteen (I think) but later on said she only had one more year of school. Realizing my mistake i did go back and change her age. Hope that wasn't to confusing for the people who where here when I only had like 5 chapters... =P

Another thing is that Rose's nick name (Jami) is pronounced: Jam (As in that sweet stuff you put on bread) i (I sounds like E). That's right... Her nickname that Jimin gave her is basically Jam! As in Jimin now has Jami. As in Jimin now has Jams... See what I did there?

So that's basically all I'm going to share for now! Thanks again for reading my Fanfic and tell me if you enjoyed this little 'hidden secrets' at the end of the chapter. I will continue to try and include them so go ahead and see if you can guess some(wink, wink) ;)

Also I am so proud of our boys for accomplishing all they have! Let's continue to show them our Love and support!

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