Chapter 1

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I roll over on to my side and placed my computer down. the light from the screen was dim since it was late and I didn't want to wake my younger sister. Images of my beautiful and perfect bias, Jimin, slid past as I scrolled down the website page. The song 'Save Me' played in my ears as I quietly hummed along.

"Don't want to be lonely, just want to be yours..."

I yanked out my earbuds, shut down the computer, and slid it under my pillow.

Sigh. "If only I could be with you, meet you... Wake up in your arms." I thought as I closed my eyes to sleep.

At the age of sixteen (turning seventeen in exactly one month and thirteen days) I was overly obsessed with the band BTS, and had pronounced Park Jimin as my forever bias. From the first MV of theirs I had watched (Dope, sadly I was a fairly new fan) I knew he was the new most hottest, perfect, magically wonderful person ever. Within two days I had learned the names and birthdays of all the members. by day three I had listened to almost all their songs and could easily tell them apart. The rest of the week I put effort into watching all their episodes and such. It was a good thing it was still summer vacation, or else I never could have made this much progress. It was early August right now and I had gotten both my older and younger sisters to like it, my younger sister's twin brother... he... was a work in progress. My Mom and Dad really didn't have too much opinion on the whole thing, which I was fine with. (At least they didn't hate it) I didn't have a phone (which was why I had to use a computer), since I home schooled and never went anywhere my parents said I didn't need one yet. That is basically my life and why I became addicted to BTS, plain and simple. A little boring if you think about it, so I never quiet understood how I had gotten my slight depression and anxiety problems.

"At least you have Bts now," My mind whispered, "Now you don't have to cry yourself to sleep every night.

'Way to be on the positive side brain,' I thought sarcastically, 'Now shut it so I can sleep.'"

I shifted my position trying to get comfortable.

"Why can I sleep as much as I want in the day but can't sleep at all in the night?" I wondered running my hands through my hair.

Either way I eventually drifted to sleep and had a confusing but happy dream about eating ice cream and super cute cats.

I begun waking up to quiet mummers and a warmth against my back. It felt to early to be waking up but I yawned the 'cute' little yawn I always had and sleepily rubbed my eyes. the arms that where wrapped around my torso pulled away and the warmth on my back left. I opened my eyes confused. Six familiar faces were above me. I shot up and let up a little yelp of shock. The people backed away and I quickly looked around me. I was sitting in an unfamiliar room in front of six of the Bts members and their staff. A thought passed through my mind and I turned around to see a confused looking Jimin.

"Warmth on back, Jimin behind you... your wish freakin came true! But wait, if they are all here and you don't know where you are..." I turn to Namjoon in panic,

"Where am I!?" A look of surprise crossed his face.

Then in English he replied, "You are in Seoul South Korea. Who are you and where are you from?"

"Korea!? I'm in Korea!? Shoot! I don't have a phone, my Mom and Dad are going to freak out when they wake up and realize I'm not there!" My mind raced and my heart rate picked up, a lot. "Stay calm and explain..."

"My name is Rose, Toran Rose and I am from Seattle Washington."

He nodded and said something in Korean to the others.

"Do you know how you got here?" He asked turning back to me.

I shook my head, "I was just at my house, I went to sleep now I'm here!" At this point I was trying hard not to cry. For spending all my time at home besides dance on Thursdays and Saturdays, this was way to much for me to handle.

RM went back to discussing my mortal dilemma with the staff. I focused on taking deep breaths and not crying.

"Are you alright?" Some one asked. Some one that sounded just like Jimin.

"What?" I turned around to see him staring intently at me.

"You are scared?" He asked in broken English.

I quickly looked down and wiped at my eyes, "Yeah. I'm fine. I just kinda freaked out and confused." This was only partly true, I was freaked and confused... just times like four billion.

Jungkook came and crouched by Jimin, "What did she say?" I heard him ask... in Korea. I suddenly realized I could understand what RM was saying to their manager, and what J-Hope was saying to Jin. Not like they where speaking English but I could just understand them.

"How am I..." I gasped. "What if I could..." My mind started thinking.

"Is it possible?" I gasped, Jimin and Jungkook looked at me. "W-what language am I speaking?" I asked though I was ninety-nine percent sure I knew. "You're speaking in Korean."

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