"You..." Jackal shook with rage his tail flicked angrily.

"Aww, what's wrong kitty? You look a little angry," the fifth-generation dragon slayers teased the air chilling as he spoke.

"BASTARDS!" Jackal roared rocketing the mountains with explosions, "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!"

Zeref clutched his chest and closed his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mavis asked.

"Someone is dead," Zeref answered slowly, "A demon is dead."

They looked to each other pain in each of their eyes.

"Juvia, Meredy!" Gray yelled pushing the two girls down as a dragon's green energy roar came barreling towards them.

"That was close," Meredy sighed.

"You three should be more careful!" Lyons scolded.

"As should you!" a dragon slayer laughed roaring. Lyon was hit by the breath of energy and tumbled away.

"LYON!" Meredy cried.

"ICE GEYSER!" Gray yelled slamming his hands on the ground. The three ran over to Lyon who slowly sat up.

"Are you alright?" Juvia asked.

"Yes, just a bit phased," Lyon sighed.

"Target 72, locked on," a fourth-generation dragon slayer stated bringing their hands together and firing a beam. It went straight for Juvia.

"JUVIA!" Gray yelled pushing her out of the way. The beam went threw him instead... killing him.

Juvia let out a horrified scream and the other two stood in horrified shock.

"Target behaved as expected and was eliminated," the dragon slayer stated, "Now locking onto Target 106." Now it aimed its hands at Juvia.

Lyon screamed in pain as he attacked the dragon slayer. His chest ached in pain and tears streamed down his face but he attacked without mercy as fury flooded his body.

"Levy, watch out!" Jet yelled.

Levy turned and jumped away from the lunging dragon.

"Try this; Muzzle!" she yelled writing the word in the air. An iron muzzle clamped onto the dragon's snout. It gave a muffled roar in fury.

"Nice!" Droy shouted.

"DROY!" Levy screamed. The mage turned as a dragon slayer jumped on him, their hands replaced by claws. 

There was blood and a scream from Levy.

"Get off him!" Jet yelled kicking the dragon slayer off. Jet went barreling into the dragon slayer at full speed, the dragon slayer grabbed his shirt and snarled as they pulled him to the ground. 

"Jet!" Levy yelled going to write something. A dragon slayer rose from the dust and grabbed her hand. He pulled her close and clamped a hand over her mouth.

"Let's not have any more of that," the dragon slayer snarled as Levy struggled.

Erza remained focused but she trembled as she reequipped again. Many dragon slayers fell to her swords but twice as many fought her with vengeance.

"Your time is up knight!" one screamed; she made the sword Erza threw towards her melt when she touched it. She rushed at Erza and moved to touch her with her hands. Erza knocked her away with a sword but another dragon slayer used that opportunity to jump on her and pull her to the ground in a headlock. The others lunged sensing her weakness but were dispelled by a hole of dark magic.

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