The War

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The sun rose slowly that morning.

The clouds that streaked the sky turned golden against the pink sky. A swift wind flew across the rocky island bringing a chill to the day that dug deeper than the skin. The rocks cracked under the feet of the nine dragon slayers that walked up to a cliff to overlook the rest of the island. They stood in the wind, feeling the elements around them. 

"This ends today," Acnologia stated.

The eight behind him gave a stern nod.

"Stick to the plan," Serena instructed them seriously. Erik fixed his collar and looked over the island expectantly. Laxus took a deep breath and gazed at the horizon, waiting for the battle. Natsu was smiling but there was a seriousness to his gaze. Sting stood up straight and mentally prepared himself for the trials to come. Gajeel chuckled a 'Gihee' and crossed his arms as he looked over the soon-to-be battlefield. Rogue looked calm, even his red eyes seemed at peace with the situation as they scanned what may be his final resting place. Wendy glared at the horizon with newfound determination.

This was where the dragon slayers would make their final stand. This would be the moment that decided the fate of the world. Behind them, the rest of their comrades awaited the coming of their enemy.

Acnologia took a step forward and readied his lungs. He stood firm as he roared a challenge to the rising sun; a challenge to the dragon that he had so long wanted to fight.

"TYREGENIUM!" Acnologia roared in a voice not fit for a human. As soon as he roared it his head exploded in fear.

'THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!' one voice panicked. Acnologia ended his roar and looked over the landscape, nothing stirred.

'Perhaps he did not hear us,' another voice said with hope.

'Oh no,' another voice disagreed and Acnologia felt the change in the air.

"He's coming," Acnologia stated. The dragon slayers got into a fighting stance, their comrades behind them followed their example.

The sun rose higher and for a moment everyone closed their eyes to block the sun... and then suddenly they were there. Fear crept up on the dragon slayers and the others as they gazed at their opponents.

Thousands of dragons were in the sky, circling, hovering, gliding silently waiting for a command. Millions of fourth-generation dragon slayers stood mindlessly as the robots they were, awaiting the call of their master, and thousands of fifth-generation dragon slayers roared in anticipation at their enemy.

Then, a dragon rose from the ranks. The mages hated themselves for thinking it, but as the beast flew into the sky they couldn't help but think of how beautiful it was. The grand beast dwarfed other dragons, his powerful black body cast a powerful silhouette on the sun and he flew higher showing his great silver wingspan. Glorious silver horns topped his head forming a crown around his face, silver spikes of equal glory went down his back all the way to the tip of his silver-tipped tail that gleamed like a dagger in the morning light.

"So this is your army my apprentice? A few terrified mages and your ill-prepared protegees? Surely you considered leaving them at home for their own sake?" Tyregenium roared in triumph, his moment of victory was in front of him, and only Acnologia and his allies stood in his way.

"This is where it ends Tyregenium," Acnologia snarled walking to the edge of the cliff. 

"If this is where it ends, then I assure you that it shall end with blood... CHILDREN!" Tyregenium roared, the dragons and dragon slayers stiffened at the command and looked to the mages.

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