Hang in There

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"Welcome to the third day of the Grand Magic Games. The rankings have changed a bit folks, Crime Sociere still sits on the top with twenty-nine points, Dragon's teeth had crept up the ranks and is sitting with twenty-seven points, Mermaid heel has fallen to third place with twenty-two points, Sabertooth has seventeen points but Fairy Tail is quickly approaching with fifteen points Lamia Scale has fallen down with only thirteen points and Blue Pegasus fell further down to seventh place with thirteen points. Quatro Cerberus remained unchanged in rank but now has eight points!" The announced cheered.

Yesterday's fights had been less horrifying so the spirit of the crowd had returned. Fairy Tail, however, remained somber... Kinana hadn't woken up. Now Juvia stood in Kinana's place and everyone in Fairy Tail was on edge preparing for the next disaster.

"Here is how today's opening game works!" Mato yelled happily, "This'll be an elimination battle. The teams will be pared off and one contestant from each team will fight the other, the first hit landed on either party ends the battle! The loser will return to its team while the victor will continue to the next fight! You'll see how it works," he assured the crowd.

"Here are our first fights!" The announcer cheered, "Jenny of Blue Pegasus vs Warcry of Quatro Cerberus! Yuka of Lamia scale vs Mirajane of Fairy Tail! Rufus of Sabertooth vs Arana of Mermaid Heel! Frexis of Dragon's Teeth vs Meredy of Crime Sorciere!

"Be careful Meredy," Juvia pleaded.

"Meredy is a strong mage, she will be able to handle him," Erza reassured her.

"I hope so," Lyon said watching the teams square up. Frexis was the orange-eyed man, Laxus's eyes narrowed as he took the field.

"Begin!" Mato cheered.

The teams went at it, almost immediately Yuka was defeated by Mirajane.

"Sorry, but we've got to get some points," Mira smiled sweetly.

Then somehow Jenny beat Warcry. To no one's surprise, Rufus beat Arana but Arana lasted longer than the other two giving Mermaid Heel three points. Meredy began her fight with a sensory link.

"Smart girl," Jellal nodded.

"Now he can't hurt her without hurting himself," Ultear smiled.

"Crush him Meredy," Sawyer yelled.

"Do it for love!" Richard cried.

Meredy attempted many times but Frexis was quick. Her attacks were fruitless and suddenly Frexis was in front of her, she braced herself for pain but all Frexis did was tap her.

"Does that count?" a civilian asked.

"I suppose so," another answered.

"He didn't... He didn't harm her," Sawyer gaped.

"It's that sensory link; I bet if she hadn't used it, we too would have a member in critical condition," Jellal explained with darkened eyes.

"Here are the second fights, Jenny vs Mirajane and Frexis vs Rufus!" Mato cheered.

"Well here we are again Mira," Jenny grinned.

"Yes," Mira smiled, "but I'm afraid we can't have as much fun as we did last time," she went into her Satan form; Halphas. She easily beat Jenny aside.

Meanwhile, Rufus faced Frexis with much caution.

"How's your comrade?" Frexis asked.

"Yukino?" Rufus asked.

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