The Council's Ruling

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The guild named Fairy Tail is declared as a dark guild and it's master and members are to be tried under the crimes of;

1) Aiding multiple known enemies of the state multiple times

2) Conspiring against the crown and council

3) Illegally falsifying documents and the forgery of other critical documents

4) Harboring dangerous substances of Magic without the Council's knowledge

5) The murder of a councilman

6) Causing massive amounts of harm and destruction to multiple pieces of private property

The paper went on to talk about how Fairy Tail had assisted not only the dark wizard Zeref, the known dark guild 'The Oración Seis', and the wanted demon known as E.N.D (who they hadn't directly tied to Natsu - but it was easy to assume that they knew). They talked about the head councilman who had been found dead near the guild's home town and identified Acnologia as the murderer, Acnologia of course scoffed and claimed that he wished he had killed that man where he stood. The documents Serena had turned in for the Seilah and Jackal to join fairy Tail were labeled as 'false' and the guilds handle of Fairy Heart was titled 'irresponsible'. The Council had set up an award for the members, each one varying from ten thousand to ten billion jewel for their capture... that meant that guilds, both dark and light would be hunting them.

At first, the Fairy Tail members didn't believe it. Natsu went on a rampage around the guild ranting about the council, E.N.D was agreeing with him the entire time. The rest of the members were in a similar state... all save Acnologia. The dragon king was pondering what he was going to do... he knew what he had to do, but the idea of doing it didn't sit well with him.

"They'll be here tomorrow... The council I mean, I have no idea how fast the dark guilds will act," Jackal sighed as he shrugged.

"We need to head out immediately," Erza announced, "We cannot fight the council!"

"AND WHY NOT!" Natsu roared angrily kicking a chair.


Many cheered their agreement.

"No," Makarov soothed calming them. "First we need to rest. Acnologia can keep watch for any dark guilds... Mira, I need you to contact our allies and see if they can hide us for a while. Jackal, somehow you need to contact Zeref, tell him he's getting company," Makarov ordered taking up the mantle of Guild Master.

"What are you planning?" Acnologia asked a heavy feeling settling in his stomach.

"We split up," Makarov answered, "Divide until we can clear our name... or at least stop the council."

"I can contact Jellal... I know they still have some secret hideouts despite being a legal guild," Erza offered.

"Yes... perhaps it'll work," Evergreen nodded.

"Now hold on," Serena objected, "We just talked about this apocalypse coming our way and we want to split up?"

"Only for now," Laxus answered agreeing with the plan, "We can only deal with so much at once... we can deal with the council... and then move on to Tyregenium."

"Sounds good to me," Bickslow laughed.

"It's not the best... but it's all we have," Erik sighed.

"Now, don't be so gloomy," Kinana scolded him softly.

"So... what... we split up, like now?" Wakaba asked.

"Nah," Cana laughed looking at him and picking up a beer, "Let's have one last party for old times sake... may be the last good one we get for a while."

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