Chapter Three: Hello, Thurman. It's Your First Day of School!

Start from the beginning

He bit one of his snake bites and sighed. "I don't know, Gray," he said, obviously sadly. "It's getting so hard to be with her. I love her to bits and pieces, more than my next breath, but I can't do this. She keeps breaking my heart."

I sighed and pushed a piece of stray hair out of his face. I embraced him again, then I said, "Andy, it'll be okay. If she breaks your heart, I'm going to hit her square in the jaw."

He chuckled and pulled away enough to kiss my head. "Thanks, Gray," he said, smiling down at me. "You're the greatest chick ever."

I smiled up at him. I rubbed his forearms once or twice, then I repeated, "My hair looks great."

"You're fucking right it does," he said, chuckling a little.

I laughed, then I ruffled his hair. He gave me a quirky smirk. "Thanks, mate," I said.

"Not a problem, Gray. You look fucking awesome." He smiled, his hair still messed up.

"Yes I do."

"So, shall we go to a mall to buy a new back-to-school outfit?"


And we did just that.

The next morning I stood in front of the mirror behind the door of my closet. I was wearing a pair of black-black skinny denim trousers with zippers and holes up and down both legs, my father's pair of old work boots, and a black tank top with Andy's face on it and the band symbol. Apparently, Black Veil Brides was somewhat of a small phenomon, so Andy was able to get me my own BVB shirt. I'd cut it up a little bit, so there was large tears from just under my arm down to just above my hips, leaving just enough fabric to make sure the tank top didn't fall apart. My black under shirt was filthy and I had no others, so I wore a black bra with nothing covering it. I felt exposed, but I didn't mind too terribly. I had a black and purple striped tail hanging from my back-right belt loop. I had a bullet belt holding up my trousers.

"Gray! Are you ready for your first day of school?" Mum called from downstairs.

"Yes!" I shouted back. I came out of the closet, then I grabbed my plain black messenger bag and started running down the stairs. I grabbed an apple, then I said, "Bye, Mum. See you after school."

"Do you have your cell phone?" she asked.

"Mm-hmm." I took a bite and started walking towards the door.

"Just a second," Mum said, grabbing my shoulder. "Grace, what in bloody hell are you wearing?"

"A Black Veil Brides tank top, Mum," I said. "C'mon, I mustn't be late."

"Why is there so much skin?" she asked, picking at my clothes.

"I tore a hole. Gotta' go, Mum!" I pulled away and quickly ran out the door. Andy was sitting in his El Dorado, a cigarette hanging from his lips. I quickly slid in and said, "Drive. Now."

Andy quickly flicked his cigarette away and turned in the street to start driving to the school. "Mom not like your attire?" he asked, chuckling.

"Not a bit," I said, laughing a little.

He chuckled again and we finished our drive to school. We both got out, but he stopped me in front of his car. "Wear this," he said, handing me a black bandana.

"Where?" I asked.

"Either on one of your belt loops or you can just hang it from your hip," he suggested. I noticed he was hanging one from his hip.

I tied it to my back belt loop with my tail. "There. Done." I smiled at him.

He smiled at me too, then he slid his arm around my shoulders and he started walking me up the steps of the high school. I'd be entering my "Junior" year with Andy, so he called it. "First to the office," Andy said.

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