03 | Distance

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After spending some time in the lobby, I made my way back to Caine's room. I knocked and didn't enter until I heard Caine voice telling me to come in.

"Thanks for leaving me with my parents. Did you know what they were telling me? They kept on talking how they would bring my little cousins to visit me. You've met my cousins before and you would know that they are little devils. How-" he soon stopped talking when he seen me standing by the door with a thoughtful look on my face.

"Guess who I saw earlier in the hospital?" I asked him, closing the door behind me and standing in front of the bed.

"Who?" He looked at window that showed the hallway. I hesitated, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell him but it was too late for me to change my mind.

"Rory. He was here in the hospital, just out there in the hallway." I say as look at Caine, waiting for a reaction but I didn't get one. Instead he looked annoyed, and bothered. He looked away from the window and laid his head back, closing his eyes.

I knew exactly what he was doing.

"Oh, Rory Clark." I knew that Caine didn't like Rory, he's never told me why. I gathered that Rory did something to him, because Caine disliking someone just because didn't sound like him.

"I've seen him pass by the hallway a couple times." He shrugged.

"What? Why haven't you told me before?" I asked, sitting down beside his legs.

He opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't know you'd care." He admitted.

"I don't, I'm just surprised that he's here. Do you think he's visiting someone?" I didn't care, I was just curious about the situation. Someone like Rory, roaming the hospital hallways was unusual.

"And you don't care?" He said, his head shaking. I rarely get to see Caine like this, it made me even more curious about the whole thing. I wondered how heavy the situation was between them, I never dared to ask him the reason behind it. Now, it was hard not to.

"Why do you hate him?" The words slipped out of me. Caine glanced away from me, a frown forming on his face. He crossed his arms, and opened his lips but no words came out. He was having trouble explaining it to me, and I knew I should forget it. If Caine didn't want to tell me about it, I wasn't going to force it out of him.

But I did feel disappointed and it wasn't only because of this. It's been many times since I've felt this strange distance between us. I was also at fault for keeping things to myself.

I wasn't sure of the time we stopped talking about things that mattered to us. We were close, once, we would share our secrets, the ones we would be scared to share. We would admit things to each other that we never admit to anyone else.

He was the one who was there for me when Sterling died. I was the one who would hold his hand for comfort. Now we were keeping things from one another.

"I don't think it's my place to say anything." He ended up saying and I didn't ask for clarification. For the remaining time I was there, we talked about something else to try and ignore the odd atmosphere between us.

After spending a while more in the hospital, I left home.

I was able to stay with Caine longer because I knew my uncle wasn't going to be home. I wasn't worried about getting there at specific time, and I wished it was like that all the time.

Bruce wasn't always like this with me, he used to let me do my own thing and he wouldn't care as long as it didn't hurt him in any way. However, when I didn't come home one night, there was a switch in him.

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