01 | Bitter

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When I first got the news Sterling Haze was dead, I didn't know what to feel.

It was impossible to believe because the last couple of times I saw him, he was fine and alive.

Then he was gone missing.

I remembered everyone talking about him, coming up with stupid reasons as to why he disappeared. We all believed that he was never going to be found, in cases like these they usually never were.

That was until a week later on a Wednesday morning, he walked in Royal High so full of himself. And nothing was wrong with him, he looked so smug with a glint in his eyes that made me believe that this was exactly what he wanted.

He loved the attention we all gave to him. He craved it as much as he used to crave drugs.

I started to hate him then. He thought this was fun.

A sick joke he pulled on us.

Some of the rumors mentioned his obsession with drugs. They all thought he overdosed somewhere in the woods, his body hidden where no one would find him. They were all so sure it was that.

But I didn't believe those rumors because I knew he didn't take drugs anymore. He hasn't for a very long time.

He had a smile on his face that fooled everyone, even me. He looked and acted like he hadn't disappeared for a week. Who would've known he was going to die that night.

He was burned alive, they said.

He was suicidal, they said.

His body couldn't be recovered, they said.

I know I didn't know Sterling very well, he made sure to prove it to me, but one thing I knew was that something horrible happened to him. I just couldn't make myself care for the truth anymore.

At his funeral there were loud cries everywhere making me feel heartless because not a single tear came out. I remember thinking that these people were crying for someone who probably wasn't even in that coffin. His whole body was turned into nothing. My face was blank with nothing showing and nothing giving. I knew then that I really needed to get out of there. I hated funerals and that one was no exception.

When I walked into the city's Hospital I had already wanted to leave. Another thing I hated was hospitals. It was the smell and the eerie feeling that made me want to never step foot in a hospital. However, how could I deny visiting the one person who's never betrayed me.

When I was getting closer to the room some nurse stopped me from walking in the room.

"Sorry, but only family members are allowed." The nurse told me as she gave me an apologetic smile. She was new, I haven't seen her before which was why I explained my situation to her.

"I'm Thea Nightingale, I'm a very good friend of Caine. He's actually my fiancé." I didn't like mentioning that, and it was rare when I did but if I wanted to visit Caine there was no other way.

The nurse eyes widened a bit, as if she recognized my name. "That's right, Caine's parents told me about you. I'm sorry about that, you may go ahead." She smiled softly as she walked away and I took a minute to collect myself before walking into the room.

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