02 | Lies

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I didn't have the desire to be with anyone today. I wasn't the best company to be with. So I decided I wasn't going to stay in the cafeteria, I was going to go to the library but when I walked by Alexis table, she reached for my hand and stopped me.

She smiled up at me.

"Aren't you going to sit with us? Come on, sit with us." She said sweetly as she grabbed my plate and placed it on the table.

I didn't sit down.

"Hey Thea, glad you're here. It's been a while." Nate came from behind me and placed his plate next to mines. He bumped into me, however he didn't say anything instead he sat down. I looked at him, forcing a smile on my face.

He pushed his glasses his up and smiled back, oblivious to the fact that I didn't want to be around them.

"I was actually going to go to the library, I have some studying to do." I told them as I reached out for my plate but Alexis placed her hand on top of mine.

"Thea, come on. Don't be like that." She said, an innocent look crossing her features. I furrowed my eyebrows, pulling my hand away.

"Plus, you're drawing attention." She whispered, her eyes glancing away from mine and towards the students sitting near us. I look up and she wasn't lying, people were staring but I wasn't sure why.

However when I spotted the group of people walking into the cafeteria I knew why.

Sterling and his friends sat down on the farthest corner of the room. My eyes were trained onto Sterling who looked more brooded than me. He sat down and leaned on the wall, his eyes closing.

I sat down next to Alexis, my eyes never leaving Sterling.

"He looks different, don't you think? More tortured, if that was even possible. I wonder what happened to him during these months." Alexis says, her eyes on Sterling.

I glance away from Sterling once I see him open his eyes. I pick on my food, and pretend to listen to Alexis as I think over the confrontation I had with Sterling.

I wasn't sure what to believe anymore. I was torn between accepting his bland words or never talking to him again. I didn't know what was the right thing to do.

"Raine," Alexis calls out. She gets off the seat and offers it to the girl who appeared in front of us.

My eyes had automatically meet brown eyes. She smiles at us, and even though she looks timid, there something about her that makes me feel uneasy.

Alexis doesn't feel the same unease because she pulls her down to sit down next to me. Her body slumps down next to mine.

"Meet Raine Harris, she's new here, well sort of. Nate, you've met her already during our lab. However, I don't think you two met, Raine this is Thea Nightingale." Alexis points at me, and Raine turns around to face me.

She smiles and holds her hand out.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard quite a lot about you." I take her hand and I'm surprised of how cold her hands are.

"I bet you have." I respond, pulling my hand away.

"Well you can't blame her, after yesterday's incident. I'm sure you're in everyone's mouth. Not everyone goes up to a person to slap them, especially someone like Sterling Haze." Alexis inputs, shrugging her shoulders once Nate bumps his shoulder with hers.

"He would've deserved it, honestly. I probably would've done the same, I don't blame you Thea." Raine was addressing me with a familiar voice that sounded as if she knew me.

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