00 | Sterling

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Sterling Haze, the boy who got murdered two months ago was now here, walking in the halls of Royal high, alive and surely not dead.

He looked more alive than ever, his lips curving up and smiling at everyone but there was an edge to it. A hidden implication that suggested something was wrong. I knew not everyone around me was able to notice the wrongness of his smile or his strange eyes.

No. Everyone in Royal High was too shocked to see underneath the facade he put up. They were all confused as to how Sterling was alive and not buried six feet under.

For a moment, I felt something close to relief but it didn't last long because of the hard truth that dawned on me. Out of all the shitty things he's done, this one was the worst of all. Because he lied. He faked his own fucking death and for what? Attention?

I looked around, and I felt my lips twist. Well he has it now, he has everyone's attention.

His eyes soon glanced at mine and as expected he didn't show any guilt or shame. Nor regret. I shouldn't have expected such expressions from him, not after this but there was a part of me that felt disappointed. Betrayed.

I didn't dare show him those feelings. He had no right to know of them, no right to know how much he hurt me.

I stood my ground even as he passed by me, his group of friends walking alongside him like dogs. Loyal fucking friends he had there. They all knew he was alive, it was clear he trusted them enough to share his secrets.

They didn't reveal anything during these tortured months, not then and not now. They walked the halls as if they weren't walking next to a ghost.

I made the mistake of locking eyes with Alexandra King. She held cold hooded eyes, her lips slightly tilted up and if I didn't know any better I'd say she took the pleasure of watching me in this state. There was no one else who hated me more than her, and it served me right but now I wanted nothing more than to rip her to shreds.

Everyone knew not to provoke her because of her senseless behavior. Everyone knew she was dangerous and malicious however it didn't stop Owen Pearson from setting his eyes on her. He claimed her and that was that. It didn't make sense, because he was the opposite of what she was. Everything she stood for, he was against it.

She was evil but he was virtuous. However they made the perfect pair.

He walked hand in hand with her, holding her as if she was something precious. He glanced at me, for a second only, but I was able to see the apology hiding behind his green eyes. It was the only thing I was able to get from him, from all of them. I looked at every single one of them, the people who Sterling called friends.

I almost laughed at the thought.

Linda Steward was walking beside Sterling, and I searched her face but there was nothing that I could grasp. She showed very little, and I knew she wasn't going to reveal anything. I looked away from her and found Ysabel who was already staring at me. She had a smirk on her lips, and a glint in her eyes. She quietly challenged me, as she reached her hand to hold Sterling's arm. She wanted a reaction from me, she wanted me to cause a scene.

She knew how to taunt me, and I was accustomed to it but this was the worst time to provoke me and she knew. I took a single step towards them.

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