»The Mind Reading Adventures of Sadie Part II«

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She stood over the sink in the girls bathroom. Tears fall from her eyes and straight down the drain. Lilia has never felt this much pain in her whole life. The girl that she has been madly in love with since they were nine has become so close with a boy that arrived to Hawkins only a couple of weeks ago. She doesn't have a chance anymore, her crush doesn't wanna be with her. She was hurting. That left Lilia with only one thing to do.


"Well why did you have a boy in your room? That's something that should be talked about." "How did you know that we kissed? We haven't talked about it and you haven't seen us do it." Finn interrogates. Sadie was just impatiently waiting for lunch to be over. She was stalling. "Damn it Sadie, tell us how you know. Does Lilia know? Did she see? Is that why she left?" "I can't tell you guys how I know." The red confessed. Finn pinched his brows. "I can't tell you here." Sadie says more specifically.

Millie and Finn has caught on to what she was trying to say. It doesn't take a mind reader to figure all of this out. "Holy shit... you can hear our thoughts." Millie concludes. Sadie nods shamefully. "It started Finn's first day of school. I heard you all at breakfast. Finn you were talking about masturbating, Millie you were talking about having sex with Finn, and Lilia was talking about trying anal. You all have such dirty minds, if I must say." Millie was embarrassed. She never thought about doing such things with Finn. Well she did a couple of times, but it's not like she would actually do it. She doesn't even know how.

"If you can read minds, then what am I thinking about?" Finn tests the red head. She pays close attention to him as he stares blankly at her with absolutely no emotion. Sadie listens. 'She's a liar. How can she be a nature witch and hear human thoughts? Humans aren't nature.' "I know, I thought the same thing too. Turns out that humans are apart of nature. They've evolved from the earth, from animals to actual humans." Finn was pretty impressed by the girls power. Millie was still confused as to why Lilia had just ran off. Was it something someone said? Maybe she wasn't comfortable with drama between relationships.

The brunette looked at the two teens left at the table worriedly. "Does Lilia know? Why did she leave?" She asked everyone. Sadie was confused as to why the blonde had to make such an exit as well. Maybe it wasn't relevant to the conversation, but she was determined to go figure it out. "I'll go talk to her. Or rather listen." Sadie stood up wrapping her boyfriend's jacket around her body and zipping it up to keep her warm. She focused on trying to find the blonde as she walked through the deserted hallway of the high school.

'Idiot,' A familiar voice rang in the red headed teen's mind. 'You shouldn't have feelings, you're supposed to be independent and alone forever.' It got louder once Sadie got closer and closer to the girls bathroom just around the corner. Curious as to whether or not her best friend was in there, she hesitated to crack the door open very quietly. Crying could be heard from inside. Lilia Buckingham stood over a sink watching herself cry in the mirror, unaware of Sadie's presence. The red head pinched her brows together and listened closely to her thoughts again. 'You torture yourself because you hate yourself. You hate the way you talk, you hate the way you look, you hate the way you think. They hate you too.'

Sadie frowned, wanting to just walk in and give her friend a hug and tell her that she's beautiful and perfect the way she is. She stopped herself when she saw Lilia pulling up the sleeves of her shirt she had borrowed from Jaeden. The red thought she was going to wash her hands because maybe she used the bathroom and was just cleaning up. The blonde girl reached into her back pocket, pulling out a pocket knife. Sadie's eyes grew wide and tearful when Lilia pulled the blade out and dragged it across her wrist, drawing blood. 'I don't deserve Jaeden's love.' One cut. 'Millie doesn't even know that I'm in love with her.' Two cuts.

The red head was in absolute shock. She never knew that Lilia loved Millie. Sure they all loved each other, they're all basically sisters, but this is a different type of love. This is the type of love where you feel like the world stops spinning when a certain someone is around. The type of love that makes your face red and makes you smile when someone mentions their name. The type of love that makes you feel like your heart is meant for them. Sadie didn't know what to do in this moment. Should she go in there and stop her or back away slowly and never bring this up again? The teen did none of that. She only shut the door and leaned against the wall beside the bathroom to process everything she had witnessed and sob into her hands.

Meanwhile back at the cafeteria, the brunette British girl and the Canadian boy with thick black curls sat at the table alone together in an awkward silence. Finn was still thinking about what Sadie said, the whole Millie wanting to have sex with him thing. Millie was also thinking about what Sadie said about Finn, that he was thinking of masturbating. She couldn't help but imagine it and she hated herself for it. "Millie we obviously like each other. Do you think maybe we should...date? Each other, I mean. Like we should become a couple."

Millie was genuinely shocked that Finn had asked her such a thing. She didn't think she was ready for a relationship like that and she had only known this boy for less than a month. Though they've kissed like three or four times now. "I-... I don't know." She responded with her doe eyes as she looks at the boy. He bit his lip, thinking that this was her way of rejecting him. But Millie just didn't know if she wanted a boyfriend or not. I mean she wants a boyfriend, but she's not sure if she's ready? It's very complicated, but she shut her brain off for a minute and let her heart answer the question. "Yes. We can be a couple." The tall and older boy began to smile and so did Millie. She felt different now that she had a boyfriend. Her very first boyfriend. He felt different too.


I was gonna publish this last week but I didn't 🔮

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