Chapter 25 - Hanging Dog Ranch

Depuis le début

Colm ran his finger, down the skin on her back.

"Ya see Casie, I know the Sheriff in Valentine, gave you a good thrashing, after he hung your daddy. But that ain't gonna be nothing, compared to what I'm about to do, unless you tell me, what I want to know. This is your last chance?" He growled.

Colm saw Casie stiffen, but she remained silent.

He removed his belt. He started to beat Casie, across her back and shoulders, with the leather belt. She tried not to scream, but after the fifth strike the pain was too much, and with each strike, her screams, echoed around the cabin. Each time the belt made contact, the skin on her backand shoulders, turned red, and eventually started to bleed, as the skin was ripped off of her body. After every ten strikes, he would ask her the same question, and she would say nothing. She wanted to beg him to stop, but knew it would be pointless. Besides she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

Eventually Colm saw her body sag, as she fell unconscious. He threw his belt on the floor, in anger, and stormed out of the building, leaving Casie hanging on the wall.

Dutch, and the rest of the gang, reached the ranch, just as the sun was setting. They hitched the horses, in a wooded area, just north of the ranch.

Charles looked at Dutch, as they had got closer to the ranch, the look of anger on the his face, had increased.

"Dutch, I know that your the boss, but I would advise a stealthy approach." He suggested, quietly, "for the sake of Casie's safety."

Dutch Scowled at Charles, and was about to snap. But instead, he thought for a moment, and realised the sense in his words.

"I agree, Charles. What do you suggest?"

Micah rolled his eyes, but listened, none the less.

"Its getting dark, I suggest we take out the perimeter guards first. We can then, search the buildings one at a time, until we find Casie. Once she's safe, then we can let them have it." Charles suggested.

Dutch nodded. "You and Javier, take out the guards silently. Once the compound is clear. We search the buildings one by one, for Casie."

Charles and Javier approached the ranch. They took out the two guards on the main entrance, with knives and bows, poisoned with Oleander Sage. They dragged the bodies out of sight, in case anyone spotted them, and became suspicious.

There were a few more dotted around the perimeter, which they dealt with in the same way.

Javier, motioned to Charles, two more guards outside a building, which didn't appear to have any windows.

"I bet that's where Casie is," he whispered to Charles.

Charles nodded.

Charles and Javier, crept round the back of the building, and then they crept round, opposite sides of the building, taking out the two guards simultaneously. They dragged the corpses to the back of the building, and entered the windowless shack.

The inside of the building was virtually pitch black, Charles grabbed a small lantern out of his bag.

In the dim light, they saw Casie, still chained to the wall. The men exchanged glances, neither were sure if she was dead or alive.

Javier shook his head, seeing the state of Casie's back. He hadn't seen damage like this, since leaving Mexico, and certainly never on a child.

He gently lifted Casie from the wall, whilst Charles released the shackles.

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