t h i r t y-e i g h t // i'm triggered

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I hand over a glass of water to Jane as she sits crossed leg on the leather couch. She thanks me and gulps it down in seconds. I raise my eyebrow at her and she gives me an offended look, "What? I was thirsty. Can you give some orange juice?" I roll my eyes and grab the bottle of orange juice from the fridge and sit down on the couch next to her.

"So.. what did you observe?" I asked my hands clutching the glass of water. Jane sits up straight and turns to face me and said, "First, she is so cute. Second she obviously likes you no doubt." I feel a rush of tension leave my body as I sigh, "Are you sure?"

"Yes I am." She replied deadpan. There is a knock on the front door and Jane rushes to open it. I take sips of the water when a blond joins us too. "Ughh.. Why is he here?"

I smirk giving her a two finger salute, "Hello to you too dear Lizzy." She scoffs and opened her mouth to throw more insults but Jane send her a glare causing her to shut up immediately. Lizzy leans over to peck Jane on the lips and sends me a look as in to back off. I roll my eyes yet again and chug down the water.

I remember a month back when I had a meeting with Jane's father, he had asked me to date his daughter and bring her out of a phase. I was ready to meet up with her and she was always shy and closed off with me around. I was kind of a mess after Emily's birthday and we had gone to a club where she was tipsy and while returning home, my car broke down so we went to one mechanical store where the mechanic was none other than Lizzy.

She was arrogant and a stuck up bitch but for some reason as she saw Jane her look hardened and she kicked us out of the garage store. We walked to Jane's hotel and just as we reached her room, she started bawling her eyes informing me how much she missed Lizzy, who was her ex girlfriend.

Her father broke them up and brought me in to separate them both and help her out of this phase. Her father didn't accept the fact that she was bisexual and had a girlfriend. She cried to sleep and I had fallen asleep too.

The next morning I went alone and spoke to Lizzy about the whole matter. Lizzy then said that she was send a letter with Jane's sign telling she didn't want her and blocked her every where. The whole thing was a huge misunderstanding thanks to Jane's father.

After a week I managed to bring the two lost lovers together and Jane promised to help me any time. One day Lizzy was snooping through my phone and found pictures of Emily saved in my phone and I told them both the entire story. Jane as a return to helping her, started Mission Emrry.

Her job was to see insights of Emily and figure out if she truly liked me back too or not. According to her a woman can only understand a woman's true feelings.

"You still haven't said how you are sure she likes me." I stated. Lizzy smirked, "Wow it's good to see you have a nervous breakdown just because your crush might not like you back. Sucks to be you right? You are okay looking but still can't get the girl you like to fall for you." Jane giggled as I glared at them and gave them the finger.

"The signs were there. It was so obvious! When I came she looked a little annoyed to be interrupted, then every time I would lean close to you, she would send me this look which Lizzy sends you every time you are with me."

Lizzy rolled her eyes, laying on the couch propping her feet on my lap and said, "I am just looking out for you. I'm trying to keep this rich player away from you."

"Okay that is very judgmental, I'm triggered." I said. The two love birds chuckle and I widen my eyes, "Oh god! I need to stop binge watching Shane Dawson."

"Anyways!" Jane threw her arms in the air, wanting the attention on her. She continued, "When I asked her if she liked anyone and all, she immediately looked over at you."

My lips pull up into a natural grin. Jane pulled my cheeks as if I was a kid, "Aww.. aren't you adorable!" I scoff and pull away as I hear Lizzy groan out loud.

"So now what?" I asked.

"Well there are many steps we can follow. Either we start bringing in Lizzy as we planned or go with the whole try to make her jealous and realize her feelings while she tries to set us up."

I hum in response and open the new message from Emily.

Emily : Hey! I have a plan on how to win Jane.

"Guys." I yelled and showed them the message. Jane squeals and grabbed the phone from my hand and the two ladies keep messaging Emily back and forth.

Hope they don't do any thing embarrassing that would make me dig a hole and bury myself in it forever.

I asked them both and ordered pizza for dinner. We finished eating it in few minutes and I grabbed my suit and was about to exit when Lizzy called me from back. I turned back placing the suit in the crook of my elbow and grabbed my phone which she tossed. She smirked and said, "Be ready by ten tomorrow, you have a breakfast date."

I slide in into my Audi and cruise down the roads and reach my house. I get freshened up, change into a grey sweatpants, leaving my torso bare and get under the covers. There is only a dim light that is emitted from the night lamp beside me. I open my messages, thumbs hovering nervously over the keypad. Sighing I type and send it.

Harry : Hey x

"I shouldn't have done that." I groan, tossing the phone away on the bed. I run my fingers through my hair and lay back, staring at the ceiling, when there a ping sound, my phone notifying me of a message. I shuffle around clutching it and laying back down.

Emily : Hii!!

Okay I guess it wasn't a bad decision.

Harry : So.. tomorrow breakfast at ten right?

Emily : Yes! I mean that was what was planned..

Harry : Be ready by nine thirty. I will pick you up kay? x

I waited patiently for her reply when after a few minutes it did.

Emily : Ok.. But I get to decide where we eat!

Harry : As long as they serve good food and I get to pay, sure!

Emily : Then maybe I have to choose the most expensive place so you will never want to pay for me later on. ;)

I chuckled. I knew her quite well and was sure she would try to order the cheapest thing around just because I would be paying. Just to tease her a bit I messaged.

Harry : Who said there will be breakfast dates later?

Emily : Oh.. I am sorry.. I just assumed..

I panicked and replied hastily.

Harry : Relax Emy, I was joking. I would love daily breakfast dates. xx

Emily is typing ...

Was I being too weird? The prompt 'Emily is typing...' kept appearing and disappearing so I sent another lie.

Harry : That's what friends do right? It could be our bff thing. :)

Emily : Yeah friends.. :)

Before I could think of some thing new to keep the conversation going her message came.

Emily : Well it was a busy day today so I'm going to sleep now.

Emily : Good night! See you tomorrow x

Harry : Good night love. Sweet dreams. xx

I stared at the phone like an idiot for a while before placing it on the side table beside my head. I turned to turn off the night lamp and sighed. Placing my hands behind my head, I stared at the ceiling waiting for the darkness to settle and fall asleep.

Hopefully tomorrow goes well. 

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