t h i r t y-o n e // mr joy spoiler

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     I could feel my palms sweating, heart beating fast, stomach in a whirl. The new fact dawned upon me had made my head spin. I had fallen for Harry Styles!

"Hey you alright?" Harry's deep, smooth voice asked. I turned and saw him looking at me with a curious gaze.

"Uh.. yeah I'm just great!" I said, my fingers playing with the necklace I was wearing. He let out a chuckle and I swear I could hear it for hours and still find it pleasing to listen.

As we drove, Harry showed me few places which looked beautiful being all lit up. The moon was full and bright and the sky was dark and clear.

"You know I always wished to lie down and just stargaze." I said. Harry nodded listening carefully to everything I spoke. "We live in a country where the sun being visible is a huge deal and stars don't even come in the picture."

We feel into a calm silence, the soft sound of the music playing in the background. We drove for a few more minutes when we reached in the parking lot. He switched off the engine and got out of the car. I opened my door and got down.

A huge gust of wind blew and messed up my entire hair. Rolling my eyes I fixed it and closed the door. Harry stood there looking at me and I raised my brow. He motions me to follow him and I do so.

It was the good kind of cold. The wind was blowing at a better speed. The air held a salty breezy vibe. We walked for a minute or so and a beach came into view. It looked like a carnival of some sort, lights, balloons, candies etc.

I could feel my inner twelve year old wanting to just run to the beach. I realised we were heading right to it. "We are going to the beach?" I asked trying not to be excited incase we weren't. There's no way Harry would go in a place which has joy and happiness.

"Well yeah. I mean if you don't want to we can g—." I let out a squeal cutting him off and removing any doubts from his head about going to the beach.

I start walking faster not wanting to waste any time. "Woman wait up!" I heard Harry call so I wait for him to catch up.

I remove my shoes after a lifetime  of struggle while clutching onto Harry's strong arm. "Done!" I look up to him and he dramatically pretends to wipe his sweat away. Rolling my eye I swat his arm.

  "So where to first?" He asks. I looked ahead and saw on the right there was numerous food stalls, on the left there were rides. I pointed at the food stall area and we walked towards it.

"One cotton candy." Harry asked the boy at the candy stall. The boy handed it to him who motioned to hand it to me. I grabbed it with one hand and fiddled with my purse with the other to take out my money.

Harry paid the boy and we walked away. "You know I can pay for myself." I huffed. "Give me your wallet." He replied ignoring my statement. I looked at him weirdly, but handed it to him.

"Well now you have no money so I have to pay for you." He smirked as he put my wallet away into his pocket. I rolled my eyes at him. Boys.

"You want some?" I tear a small piece of the pink wonderful delight and put it in my mouth. Harry looks at it as if it was some antic piece. They way he looked at it I realised something.

"Oh no! You have never eaten cotton candy or floss have you?" I asked. He tried to pretend he didn't hear me. I stood in front of him and tore a piece.

"Come on you have to try it! You are missing out all the fun in your life!" I lift my arms in the air dramatically. He opens his mouth to protest and I take the chance to put the candy into his mouth. His eyes goes wide and his lips pull up into a cute frown as he is trying to figure it out.

I felt like Willy Wonka, quite proud and smug as I knew everything about candies.

"It's amazing isn't it?" I smile widely. "Well it's more better than the ones I ate as a kid." He said.

"Let's go to the Ferris wheel!" I didn't care if I sounded like a kid. I rushed to the small booth where a lady sat on the other side of the glass, looking quite bored.

"Two tickets for the Ferris wheel please." I have the lady a smiled and asked. She didn't even return a smile just handed over two silver coin like stuff. "Your total is forty kuna."

Suddenly I felt a hard chest against my back. I turned around to see Harry who handed the money to the lady through the slit at the bottom of the glass.

The woman on seeing him straightened up and sent a huge smile. Gosh! She started giving her googling eyes and spoke to him about different rides and stuffs that no one asked.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the coin and walked towards the ride. "Do I have to come with you?" I heard Harry question. I gave him a 'well duh' look.

We wait in the line and there are some adorable kids in front of us. I wave to one of the small boy who sends a wide smile, blushing. Aww.

Those kids keep turning and whispering to each other when one brave girl walks to us and pulls on Harry's suit. He looks down and gives one of his charming smiles to her and stoops down to her level. "Is she your girlfriend? She is very pretty! My friend likes her." She says fiddling with her small teddy bear.

Harry looks up to me and I stammer, quite sure I'm looking red as a tomato. "I.. Uh.. no he isn't my boyfriend."

But you wish he was don't you!?

   My subconscious tells but I ignore it. "Well I agree she's pretty but I don't think your friend can date her. She is a little old for him." He chuckles sending me a wink. I can feel buttflies, hell probably an entire zoo in my stomach.

The kids wave us a goodbye and run into the small compartment. We walk forward and our's arrive. It's blue in colour and shakes sideways a lot. I rush inside while Harry looks a little terrified.

We sit opposite to each other. It is a little tight as my legs are placed in between his, thighs and knees touching and I ingnore the tingling feeling. As it begins to move,he takes in a deep breath, closing his eyes. His hands are griping the bars.

He's scared! "Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly. I continue, " if you want we can get out I mean I didn't kno—." He places his hand over my thigh, " I'm fine. It's just heights.. I don't do well with heights."

He was scared of heights yet decided to join me. It felt good knowing this tiny fact about him he willingly shared. Well since he came here, I decidedly take his mind off this whole height situation.

"Starting for the bottom and we're here."

Harry looked at me as if I had gone crazy. "What? We met each other for the first time at London Eye which is a giant wheel and now here we are again in a Ferris wheel. The only thing this time I don't feel like murdering you." I teased, poking his stomach.

He let out a chuckle and said, " I was very pissed off by the fact that you didn't know who I was. That killed my ego."

We kept having a flowy and nice conversation. I took some pretty pictures as the view was wonderful from the top. After a few minutes he compartment reached the bottom and came to a stop.

"Well it wasn't so bad was it?" I asked as we got away from the Ferris wheel. I heard him mutter something negative but decided to ignore Mr.Joy Spoiler.

"So now where do you want to head to?"


Another cute chapter for you guys. This was just a filler the next chapter will make your Emrry hearts jump with joy!!
Anyways enough of me being dramatic.



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