t w o // what the

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    I look at him, narrowing my eyes into slits. Seeing my expression, his lips curl sideways and he smirks at me and said, "Told you, I will see you soon, Babe."

God his voice!

Shut up brain!.

"Oh so you're the 'Harry Styles'?" I ask him, rolling my eyes with my hands on my hip.

"I know your shocked to see well such a hot Greek god.." he crosses his hands behind his head before sending a wink in my way. I stare at him sending him death glares while he raises his brow up, trying to annoy me further.

I take a step ahead before taking the glass of water from his table and throwing it on his face."What the fuck?!" He yelled, jumping out of his chair and then he throws his suit which goes falls somewhere on the ground and he lifts his head up sending me death glares while I just smirk.

Looks like the moods have switched now!

"Aww little Hawwy is wet? Oh you know what's the best thing? I can do anything and you can't fire me" I reply pouting and in a high voice like a kid before sending him a wink. Running his hand through his slightly wet curls, he walks around the table and starts slow walking towards me.

I take one step back and he takes two steps front. I keep on going back until suddenly my back hits the wall. I look up and see him staring at me with a smirk. God those eyes! He leans closer and my breath hitches in my throat. Trying to escape, he places his hands beside my head, caging me.

I try to shift my gaze away from him and try to control my pounding heartbeat.

He turns his head beside mine, lips slightly grazing against my ear shell and whispers in my ear "Babe you have no idea how wrong you are. You are right, I may not be able to fire you, as you got this job from the United States but they work under me. I can fire them, so you'll eventually be fired." I can feel his hot breath against my ear. He stares at me, trying to understand my reaction.

He takes a step back and I feel myself leave a sigh of relief. Suddenly he grabs my chin, forcing my head up to his and he lowly said, "I won't fire you Hun. We will have some fun together first, well more like I will have fun. You will quit by yourself."

I push his chest and he moves backwards. Pulling the hem of my dress down, as it had ridden up, I clench my jaw, trying to reduce the anger I felt towards this green eyed fellow.

Moving away from the wall, I try  keeping a safe distance and to keep a proper distance between him and I, I say, "Okay 'Harry Styles' "— I lift my fingers up sarcastically — " we will see when the time is right, who is firing or quiting."

He lifts his hand motioning me to repeat what I said. I repeat and he being an infuriating man said,"You can only call me Boss or Sir" I stare at him in disbelief and throw my hands up as he turns his back to me.

Walking back around the table, he goes back to his seat and starts working on his laptop.

He lifts his hand motioning me to walk over to him. Gulping harshly I stand exactly opposite to him, with my hands on the top of the chair, that was placed opposite to him.

He pulls out open a drawer, grabbing a file, and closes it. Throwing it on the table, the file slides harshly and was about to fall from the table, but fortunately I catch and hold it before it can fall. Giving a glare at his cold face, I take a few steps away from the table.

I go through the file, and realize it's mine, which I had given to the lady downstairs. Flipping through my resume, I realize he had not actually gone through it.

"Do I need to write down a letter so you can leave?" he says without his eyes leaving  from his laptop screen. I stare at him with my mouth open in shock. He looks up and points his finger to the door "OUT" he yells. "Aren't you supposed to interview me or something?" I ask.

"Who gave you the permission to question me? With that attitude, you are not going to get anywhere." He replied. I stood there, dumb struck. Banging his palm on the desk, he yelled "Leave!" . Jumping on spot I turn back and I leave the room hastily, which belonged as an office of the devil, and enter the lift.

Bipolar much? I bet he has some serious issues. Like first he is a self centered douche, then he is threatening me, and now yelling? Too many mood swings.

Just as I was about to leave the building the receptionist calls me. "How was he?" she asked me curiosity seen through her eyes. "Huh?" I look at her, confused. "You know is he a good person to bang or an okay one?" she asks me while biting the end of her pen.

"What?! I didn't sleep with him." I whisper yell leaning towards her, my eyes wide at her statement. Is she crazy? Why would I, an employ sleep with her boss? "Oh I'm sorry no.. I I thought you were a bus..business partner or something because no one other than them hand me their files as they come for s—" she gushes out and keeps rambling until I interrupt her.

"It's fine.. I..uh.. I really need to go" I tell her pointing my thumb behind me, at the exit before sending her a smile and leaving the building.

Lifting my hand up, I signal a cab and hurried inside. Giving my address, I rest on the back seat, sighing heavily. This is not I had planned my first day would go! Praying and staying finger crossed that everything goes swiftly, I close my eyes.

I reach home and after paying the cab, I rush through the door and throw my bag on the bed, grabbing and changing into some comfortable clothes, when Nat comes in wearing a dress. I burst out in laughter. She just waits there waiting for me to stop laughing. "Wh.. why the hell are YOU wearing a dress?" I ask her.

She hesitates before smirking "Well let's not talk about me and tell me what all happened at your 'Meeting'?" She asks me sitting cross legged on the ground and raises a brow . I stand up, go to the kitchen, grabbing a pack of Lays and coffee for the both of us. " You need to know everything?" I teasingly say. She nods her head eagerly in reply. Sighing deeply I join her, sitting cross legged opposite of her and tell her everything.

Aannd..here's another chapter loves! Hope you liked it!!
Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Peace out xoxo


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