The Death of a Saint

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Ur wasn't afraid to die and so she ran towards the fight.

Serena screamed in pain as one dragon pinned him down under his claw and pierced his skin with its claw.

"SERENA!" Acnologia roared pushing one dragon off him. He roared at the dragon pinning Serena down forcing him off it. The dragon braced itself against the ground and when the roar ended it shivered and slowly straightened now steaming. 

Acnologia was pounced on by another dragon while the one he had been fighting previously lunged for his neck from below. Acnologia caught the latter with his claw and pinned him down but the other gripped his back and bit into the plated scaled on the back of his neck.

Serena leaped over the steaming dragon, his shoulder bleeding. He brought his hands together making the ground below the dragon collapse. Then the dragon was encased by water only to be hit with a vast amount of flames. Then the second dragon that Serena had been fighting smacked Serena with its tail sending the wizard saint into the side of the mountain where he left a large indent. The dragon Serena had attacked recovered, opened his mouth, and roared a huge amount of water at him. Serena opened his eyes lazily in time to see the water rushing for him. 

He braced himself for the attack by bringing his hands up to protect his face and chest. There was a hiss as a mountain of ice shot up in front of Serena who looked at it in shock.

"I must say, you two don't seem to be doing too well," a voice chuckled. Ur made the ice vanish as she walked up to face the dragon.

"Ur," Serena laughed in relief jumping down, "Thanks for that."

"Pleasure," Ur smiled bringing her hands together in her ice-make position.

The two dragons they faced roared before charging towards them.

Ur let loose a whirlwind of ice shards that flew into on dragon's scales. It was ineffective until one hit it's eye and it roared in pain.

Serena used his gale dragon magic to propel himself towards the other charging dragon. He roared and raised his hands over his head.

"VENOM DRAGON STRIKE!" Serena yelled his arms glowing a pale cream. He brought his fists down on the dragon's head. It's scales cracked under the pressure and the white substance glowing on Serena's hands seeped through the cracks. The dragon roared in pain and reared throwing Serena off. It stumbled back and hissed as the venom began to take effect.

"Yeah, venom just bites doesn't it?" Serena chuckled.

"Oh poor little dragon slayer, he thinks he can best a god dragon just like that" Tyregenium chuckled.

The god dragon roared in a challenge and lunged for Serena who jumped out of the way. Ur's did something similar.

Acnologia continued his tussle with the other two. The three of them were basically at a standstill that involved claws, teeth, and blood.

Tyregenium stood and stretched, "I suppose I've had enough fun, it's time this ends," he spread his wings and looked down at his apprentice, "Let's see how well you can defend your children once I've ripped your wings off."

He launched off the spire and dove towards the fight. Acnologia stood on top of the two dragons pinning them down, his wings out to offer balance. Tyregenium readied his claws but a yell caught his attention.

"BACK OFF YING YANG!" Serena yelled crashing into Tyregenium. Tyregenium faltered for a bit in the air before gaining altitude and circling the battlefield. Serena had fallen back down to earth and was now occupied with his previous opponent.

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