Cutting Threads

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Reyna mumbled incoherently in response, already asleep. She didnt move from that spot the entire night,sleeping heavily. It was the longest she had slept since she had been in this world, the weight of everything finally weighing her down enough to sleep until her body was rested. She peeked her eyes open sometime in the late morning and felt isekis arms still around her. She smiled happily. It was a nice feeling to wake up safe in someones arms. She rolled over to face him and planted a tender kiss on his lips.

Iseki peeked his eyes open with a smile when he felt her kiss him. He kissed her back lovingly. "Good morning baby." He said softly. She was still in his arms and he loved it. Waking up to her tender kiss was something he would cherish forever.

Reyna smiled easily at him. "Gmorning Is." She said easily back. She liked waking up tangled up with him. She watched his face, finding his happiness contagious even without the thread. He was definetly one of a kind.

Iseki smiled happily. "You sleep well?" He asked before a yawn. "Good dreams?" He added afterwards with a smile. This was perfect to him. Waking up tangled in the one person he loved above all others.

Reyna kept a sme on her face. "I slept so good i didnt have any dreams." She admitted. "I can tell you slept well." She added with a giggle. He seemed so carefree and happy. And she was so beyond happy that he could come back to this after everything he had been through.

Iseki kissed Reyna's nose happily and playfully. "I tried to stay up a while and just enjoy holding you but maybe five seconds after you fell asleep I was out." He said with honest happiness. "May be the best sleep I've ever had." He loved how happy she seemed waking up with him and he absolutely adored her bed head.

Reyna laughed then. "Well good. You deserved it." She said easily. He was always so playful. No matter what was going on. And she loved that about him. When she was with him she was always happy and her face hurt from how much she smiled.

Iseki grinned. "So I gotta ask." He said conspiratorially. "Are you ticklish?" He asked as he started trying to tickle her. He knew a few of her tickle spots from memory but that was a different timeline and he didn't want to assume so he decided giving it a try was best.

Reyna looked at him curiously when he said he wanted to ask her something. She vaguely remembered him wanting to ask her something before she fell asleep. So it had to be important to stay on his mind through the night. She tried to get away when he brought up being ticklish but she wasnt fast enough. She squirmed and giggled under his hands. "No. Please. Stop." She said between giggles, trying to push his hands away.

Iseki laughed with delight as he tickled her. He tickled her for a bit before stopping with a big smile. "I really do have a question though that's personal." He said softly. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Reyna giggled more even after he stopped and kept her hands on his hands with a smile on her face. "This is gonna be a doozy. I can tell." She said with a sigh before rolling to her stomach and stretching out.

Iseki smiled at her and put a hand on her lower back. He trailed his fingers up her back. "What happened to your back?" He didn't know if she would want to answer because for some reason in their life together they'd never talked about it.

Reyna nodded then with understanding. "Yeah. Sorry about that." She apologized, crossing her arms to lay her head on them, still on her stomach. She didnt know how much he wanted to know. "Theyre burn scars." She said plainly, her eyes on his face. She knew they didnt look like burn scars.

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