Sharing Secrets

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Sunlaw nodded. "Of course I have time for you. Do you need more healing?" He said casually. He had been lost in a daydream of riches and fame.

Reyna furrowed her brow and shook her head. "No." She said plainly. Wasnt that a loaded question? His healing abilities were about as good as calebs social skills. "I actually wanted to talk to you." She added as she sat down facing him.

Sunlaw smiled easily at her. "What's on your mind princess?" He asked casually as he leaned back on his elbows to sit comfortably. "I'm all ears."

Reyna rolled her eyes at the use of the name princess. "I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to teach me about strada and runes. We were sort of out of options when i suggested the churnog. And honestly it would have killed me without your teachings. I drew a rune to take control of it. I dont even know how. But i wouldnt have even known that was a possibility if not for you so thank you." She said genuinely.

Sunlaw grinned. "My pleasure. Just remember your friends when you're rich and famous." He teased casually. "Everyone is gonna be talking about the girl who rode the churnog by the time we reach maldaven." (You can always find a way to reward me for being so great.) He mused.

Reyna snorted. "Yeah, yeah. Great feats and all that." She said with a smile before standing. She had no intention of getting rich or famous. Or even reaching maldaven for that matter. But he didnt need to know any of that. She said what she needed to say. And caleb wasnt back yet so she waved goodbye at sunlaw to head over to anoch.

(I wonder what my mother would tell me to do in this situation.) Sunlaw thought as he waved at Reyna. (I'm doing what I can and she's not really giving me anything here.) He scratched the back of his neck and watched her walk away.

"Feeling better Ms Reyna?" Anoch asked with a smile as he looked up at her from what he was doing.

Reyna nodded and sat down next to him. "Touch and go honestly. But thats how healing goes right Annie?" She said honestly. She had come to a point where she could be honest with him and trusted him. She had seen his soul. What else could happen to make her trust someone more? "You can drop the ms by the way. No need to be so formal." She added as an afterthought.

Anoch chuckled. "It's a form of respect in my mind. Not many earn my respect as you have." He said smiling at her. He wished he still had access to his magic. He used to be a great healer. "Things will get easier. Especially if we can figure out what's going on with you turning to stone before our very eyes."

Reyna snorted. "Yeah. Nobody expected me to be the hard ass of the group." She teased before giggling.

Anoch chuckled softly and shook his head. "At least you have a sense of humor through all this." He said grinning.

Caleb came walking through the camp looking irritated. He sat by the fire and tried to dry off in the heat.

Reyna shrugged a shoulder. "I learned a long time ago getting upset doesnt change anything. So fuck it right?" She reasoned. "Hows the new speech going for you? Its good to hear you laugh annie." She asked curiously.

Anoch grinned at her. "Honestly I can't thank you enough for releasing me from my own personal hell. You can't possibly understand how much of a relief it is to finally be myself." He said genuinely with a smile. "So thank you from the bottom of my heart."

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