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Reyna approached her apartment door and literally crossed her fingers that it was unlocked. She reached out and tried the handle and was relieved when it was. She had forgotten her key. Again. Opening the door, she started shrugging her coat wet from the rain that pelted loudly against the big glass windows. Droplets could already be heard filling the buckets and pots set around the room. "Im home." She called, kicking the door closed with her foot. Before kicking her soaked boots off. "Sorry i got kept late at work." She added, waiting for a response with an easy smile. It was nice knowing she was coming home to someone.

Iseki beamed at her from the kitchen area. "Hey baby. I tried to make dinner but it looks like microwave dinners again. I may have just officially given up on trying to cook on the stove." He said laughing. "I didn't want to anger our neighbors again by starting another fire." He walked over to her and scooped her up planting a kiss on her lips. "How was your day beautiful?" He laughed happily as a drop of water splashed his face.

Reyna laughed at the memory of him wide eyed and terrified when he tried to surprise her with dinner and made the pans they owned unwashable. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back lovingly. She loved when he picked her up like that. Reaching up she wiped the water off of his face affectionately with her thumb. "Its been long. But im happy to be home. And dont worry about it. Do you wanna just order in?" She suggested hopefully.

Iseki laughed. "I'm so relieved you suggested that." He said happily as he carried her to the kitchen counter. "I may have burned the shot out of the dinners." He knew he was terrible at working the cooking devices. But he was happy as any man could be there with her. They went out almost every night and had fun. They truly lived with each other. "I was wondering. Since I got a raise. What would you say to showing me what this Vegas place is like this weekend?"

Reyna giggled playfully. "Alright Is. That sounds good to me. We can gamble and go see some shows. Oooh we could even boo the magicians. Go to some museums. Stop off at a wedding chapel. Oh! Maybe we could even splurge and get one of those hotel rooms with a mirror on the ceiling and a hot tub. Or get more tattoos. See a burlesque show." She rambled off happily as she idly ran her fingers through the hair at the side of his face below his ear with a big grin.

Iseki grinned excitedly. "Is the tub here not hot?" He asked with a laugh. "You know we can just say fuck it and go tonight." He wrapped his tail around her lower back and kissed her on one of her piercings. He liked her piercings and tattoos. He found that he loved going to get tattoos with her as well.

Reyna giggled and kissed his lips sweetly. "Really? Can we?" She asked eagerly. She always loved their little adventures. Her phone was full of pictures of things they had done together and happy memories. And it seemed like every day they were making more. Her blue eyes were hopeful as they stayed on his and she grazed her fingers across his collarbone.

Iseki grinned wide. "Let's go right now." He said happily. He loved their spontaneous adventures. Of course it was the reason he'd gotten fired from his last job but he didn't care one bit. He had managed to get on at a construction place that was desperate to keep him so he knew that he'd at least still have a job as long as he called on his way out of town to let them know he wouldn't be back for a few days. His time with Reyna was to important to him to put it off for a job anyway. He carried her towards the bedroom area with no real intention of putting her down.

Reyna beamed at him and kissed him happily. "You know you have to put me down if you expect me to pack anything." She reasoned eagerly. She couldnt wait to be in their shitty car on the road singing along to music iseki was still learning the words to and falling asleep on him halfway through the night after sharing gas station snacks. Helping him remember the rules of the road while letting him drive them and laughing so hard they couldnt breathe. Only to get there when it was still dark to sleepily make love like hushed whispers in the dark. It was everything she ever wanted.

Iseki laughed. "Wanna bet?" He said grinning as he planted kisses on her neck as he started packing with his bare toes. "We only need clothes for time out on the town." He teased between kisses. He felt such a sense of completeness in his life he never knew existed. He wouldn't change anything about thirty life.

Reyna giggled when he kissed her neck but didnt struggle against him. "That is a very fair point." She agreed easily. She was fine with him packing for her. She liked keeping physical contact with him as much as possible. "We can just get dinner at the gas station. I'll feed you so you can drive." She offered.

Iseki grinned. He loved when she fed him while he drove. She was always so playful. He remembered the first time she'd gone swimming with him. How she'd laughed at how he played in the water. "We should get a hotel with a pool." He said grinning. The first time they'd gotten a hotel they'd made love in the pool late late at night. It then quickly became a thing with them like a half joke half serious thing. He remembered the time they almost got caught on one of thier late night swims and grinned wide. It never failed to make him laugh.

Reyna laughed then. "Well duh its gonna have a pool." She said with an exuberant eye roll. "And trust me. Youll like the hot tub in the room too." She said enticingly. She hoped he would be done packing soon so they could get out of the rainy city and onto the road. She missed the sun and the way it warmed his fur. "Now cmon slow poke. If we hurry we might be able to see the sunrise over the desert." She said happily, nipping his neck playfully with her teeth.

Iseki grinned and nipped her in return. "Keep that up and we won't leave till sunrise." He teased with a big grin as he kicked the now packed bag onto his shoulder and started for the door. "Do you absolutely need shoes or are you rocking the bare feet like me?" He asked grinning wide. He was glad they usually left their bag mostly packed just for things like this.

Reyna laughed. "I can buy a pair of flip flops at the gas station baby." She reasoned. She rested her head on his shoulder and hummed contentedly. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much like they always did when she was with him. She knew they were going to get soaked in the rain going out to the car. But she didnt mind it. It wouldnt be the first time she spent the trip with her jeans stuck to her skin and the torn leather seats wet from the rain. And she knew iseki would shake his fur out on her but always when she was least expecting it. They would be dry by the time they got there.

Iseki grinned at her and headed out. He stopped at the door and reached over to pick a red citrus fruit he'd grown I the little indoor garden they had. "For a little fun later." He said with a wink. He loved making her laugh. And more often than not his form of magic was always a great way to do so. He remembered the time he'd used his body manipulation to make himself look like a statue and jumped out at random people at the beach. Reyna had laughed so much that day. Especially when a little old lady started whacking him with her purse while he apologized laughing.

Reyna smirked at him before kissing his neck once. "Sounds good to me baby." She agreed. She had never known it possible to feel such peace and ease in life. She wasnt alone anymore but she also wasnt afraid or anxious. Everything had such a natural flow to it that it was almost too good to be real. Sure they fought sometimes but it never lasted long before they were right back to this blissful, safe peace that she never knew possible.

Iseki stepped outside of the apartment and laughed as he carried her through the rain. He opened her door first and set her inside of the car. Instead of going around however he crawled through over her laughing as he tossed the bag in the back. "What are you thinking for food baby? Because I'm feeling some gas station pizza sticks."  He said grinning. His bliss seemed like it knew no end and it was only fueled by hers that he could clearly feel over the red thread.

Reyna giggled as he crawled over her and shook her head at hoe ridiculous he was. She thought for a moment to answer his question and closed her door when he was in his side of the car. "That sounds amazing. Ooh I think I'll get those extra spicy chicken bites." She said as she moved to sit closer to him naturally. "And a really fucking big blue slushie." She added as an afterthought.

Iseki grinned and made an oh face. "Oh yeah. With some energy drink mixed in the slushy." He said happily as he started the car and pulled away from the driveway. He put his arm around her shoulder and smiled. "Adventure here we come." He said smiling.

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