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Reyna was running. She was relatively fit when not having the fear of heights. Iseki's shirt was stuffed full of clothes and her bare feet padded against the ground. She broke through the line of trees finally and ran directly for Iseki, motioning with a bloody hand at him to start running. She had pushed her speed to make sure the men on her heels wouldn't see him in their pursuit.

Iseki saw the blood first and instantly started running. "What the fuck happened?" He asked as he ran with her easily. His face reflected his concern. "Are you alright?" (Damnit I knew I should have went with her.) He thought kicking himself.

Reyna sighed as she ran. "I'm fine. I'll tell you later. Right now isn't really a sit down chit chat sort of moment." She reasoned as she heard the men's shouting voices behind them. They were gaining ground. How she wasn't quite sure but they would be on them soon. She just hoped they weren't in line of sight enough to see Iseki. She had reasoned with herself that she should have run a different direction and keep him out if it all together. But she didn't know what was in any other direction or what the terrain was like so she didn't have much of a choice.She pulled the clothes she had stolen out of his shirt so they would stop inhibiting her running and kept them wadded in both hands.

Iseki could hear the heavy footfalls of at least ten armed men gaining on them. He looked around for some way to save them. Then he spotted a small drop off and reacted. He jumped to the side pulling her down with him. He quickly lay her down just under the small cliff and lay on top of her.

Reyna groaned when he pulled her down with complaint. "What are you doing? You should warn someone before you just yank on them like that." She complained in a normal tone, her chest still heaving with the strain of running so hard.

Iseki put a finger to Reyna's lips as he heard the footfalls getting rapidly closer. "Shhhhh." He whispered looking at her seriously.

Reyna shot him a dark look when he put a finger to her lips. Her heart was hammering in her chest from running. She was contemplating biting his finger hard for hushing her but she didn't. Her face turned passive and she silenced herself, her blue eyes on his. He was laying on top of her in a secluded spot. And adrenaline was already coursing through her veins. She was wearing his shirt and she could feel his bare skin on hers where his shirt was open down the top of her chest. She held her ragged breath and hoped whatever these people were, they couldn't hear her heartbeat as heat flushed invisible to the human eye behind her cheeks.

Iseki used his infrared vision to watch the armed presuers running past. He looked down at Reyna and saw the heat rushing to her face. "Give it a minute or two before we move." He whispered to her barely audible. Then as if on cue another man came walking by searching for them. Iseki leaned over her more using his arms to hide her hair.

Reyna continued to hold her breath and ignored the tickling of blood dripping off of her finger. He was so close to her that she could smell him, like something wild and woodsy. His nose grazed against hers gently sending a zing where he touched her, almost like static electricity. She dare not move a muscle and kept her eyes on his face. But really with how close he was all she could do was look into his red eyes. Her red lips parted slightly to take in a small slow breath that made no noise, unable to hold her breath any more.   There was something alluring about his eyes that she hadn't noticed before, entrancing even. Her pulse had calmed down but kicked up again for an entirely different reason.

Iseki couldn't take his eyes off if Reyna's blue eyes. "We need to wait longer." He whispered barely audible. He hoped she couldn't feel his heart pounding in his chest against hers, but he knew she more than likely could. He didn't know what it was about her but there was a pull to her. Much like a strong magnet and he couldn't explain it.

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