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Reyna laughed. "Well I know yours now. I think the only other person's I don't remember is the big guys. But it's alright." She reasoned. "So are wards like a thing with your kind or is it like a learned thing?" She asked curiously.

Sunlaw grinned. "Anyone can learn wards. If you'd like I can teach you." He offered casually. "If your memory is any good. You won't have any trouble with it."

Reyna contemplated for a minute before shrugging. "Sure. Why not?" She reasoned. It might be a useful skill later. And she was rather curious about it. What if they were right and she did have magic in her?

Sunlaw grinned. "Alright first I need you to believe that you have magic." He instructed casually as he finished another ward.

Reyna had to think about that for a minute. She had to take the time to actually decide that she did believe. It may not be forever. But for the sake of the exercise she could do that. "Alright. Done. What next?"

"Alright. Next you have to focus energy to your two fingertips like this." Sunlaw said as he held his index and middle fingers up together and they started to glow.

Reyna furrowed her brow and lifted her two fingers like he showed her. Her brow deepened as she concentrated and did her best to focus energy on her fingers.

"Now once you get a glow all you do is draw a circle like this and a triangle inside like this." Sunlaw said as he drew a simple shield ward with one motion.

Reyna watched what he did before focusing her attention on her fingers. It took several minutes before her fingers finally started glowing. Her eyes widened with surprise for a moment before she slowly drew the ward as he instructed. Once done, her mouth dropped open and she laughed. "Holy hell. Did I do it?"

Sunlaw laughed and undrew his ward before knocking on her shield. "I'd say so." He said grinning. "Don't be so surprised princess. You belong in this world."

Reyna beamed and laughed before jumping on him and wrapping her arms around his neck happily. "Thank you! I actually fucking did it!" She said still laughing happily.

Sunlaw laughed as she hugged him and Caleb rolled his eyes. "now you at least have a shield that can be thrown up pretty quickly in a pinch." He said casually. "The shield will be as big as you draw the circle."

Reyna kept a big bright smile on her face and let go of him. She couldn't help but look at her fingers again. Magic. Her mind was being blown. Not that she didn't believe this world had magic. She just didn't believe any of it was in her. "Thank you for taking the time to show me." She said gratefully.

Sunlaw watched her face as she smiled. (What a beautiful smile.) He thought as he ran a hand through his long brown hair. When he did it seemed to make the golden streaks brighter. "I'm impressed that you managed to do it on your first try." He said genuinely. (You really are the lost princess.) He thought before he smirked with another thought. "You wanna learn how to throw a fireball?" He asked grinning. (If she gets this excited over a simple ward she's really gonna flip with bigger spells.) He mused. (Let's see how much I can make you smile.)

Reyna furrowed her brow at him with uncertainty. "You're saying...that I can do magic?" She asked with soft disbelief. Wards was one thing. She could believe anyone could learn that. Whipping up a fire ball was something different entirely. That was actual magic. Was she really capable of something like that?

Sunlaw traced the golden lines on the back of his hand out of habit. "Well yeah." He said casually. "Magic is merely Strada manipulation. And that's what you just did to make the energy to draw your ward." (I'm actually teaching the future queen how to use her magic.) He thought with amazement. (My mother is never going to believe this.) "My father used to be able to manipulate the weather with his magic." (Wait till I tell mom she hugged me too.) He was starting to get a little homesick. He was glad his mother was a refugee with the resistance so he could talk to her when he got back.

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