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Sylvie frowned sadly at Reyna's wounds. "I am so sorry you got hurt to save us." She said softly as she flittered over with clean wet, and dry cloths and some bandages. "Here, let me clean you up." She added as anoch started working on Iseki.

(A brave and good man. You didn't deserve this.) He thought sadly.

Reyna shrugged. "Now what kind of queen would i be if i sent others to fight my battles for me?" She reasoned. "And i appreciate the offer but im just going to go clean up in the water. Dont worry i wont stay in long. I just need to wash my hair anyway."

Sylvie frowned and put a hand on her shoulder that wasn't damaged. "It is not wise to submerge your wound in water until it is closed." She cautioned.

"We will rest here a couple of days so you have time to do that." Anoch chimed in not looking up from his work. He wanted to make sure he was doing right by iseki.

"Sunlaw will need to rest tonight then again when he heals you. Then you'll probably need more rest than that after you heal your kanis friend here. Uh Iseki right?" Caleb added. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He was frowning with concern at her wounds but he was stiffening at her body. (By the Strada. Stop already.) He chastised himself before looking away. (No good will come of thoughts like that.)

Brodan frowned at Reyna's back. "Damn shorty. You really can't go in the water like that." He said as he walked over to get a better look at her wounds. "I'm impressed you're still standing." (Maybe she's hot a little giant blood in her too?) He mused.

Reyna nodded at caleb to let him know he had gotten isekis name right. "Yeah. Sounds good to me." She agreed easily with a weak smile. She looked over her shoulder at her back with brodan then. "Honestly i think whatever svenja did is the only thing keeping me going." She admitted. "Or it could be still taking time to get feeling in everything again since my back was broken." She added as an afterthought. "Dont get me wrong it hurts like fucking hell. But its like i cant just pass out."  It was so strange. Their group had changed so much in just a few days. And not just with all of their wounds and injuries. Anoch could speak normal. Caleb and her were on speaking terms. He even agreed he was wrong about Is. Brodan was eyeing her naked without making sexual comments. And she somehow had more of a sense of self worth and belonging. She turned to sylvie then. "Can i sit and you do it then? I think someones going to have to dig this arrow out my dumbass snapped off. Or very carefully pull it out from the back." She added, eyeing her shoulder again where only a half an inch or so of the back of the arrow was visible from where it had been shoved into her body.

Sylvie nodded. "Of course Ms. Reyna. I would advise it." She said softly relieved she wasn't insisting on going in the water still.

Brodan shook his head. "My fingers are too big to grab that so it's all you Sylvie." He said frowning.

Caleb set to work building a fire to try and distract himself. He focused on making his thoughts turn to white noise as well. He looked over at Sunlaw who was already fast asleep and sighed. "Rest up sunspot. In the morning you'll be passing out again." He mumbled.

Reyna couldn't help but frown at sylvie. "This question is in no way a reflection of how strong i think you are. Or your abilities. But are you sure youre going to be able to pull it out? I think its stuck in bone." She asked with uncertainty.

Sylvie nodded. "It is a wooden arrow shaft. I will be able to get it out with minimal pain." She reassured. Then she gently started humming and the arrow shaft thinned out enough for her to pluck it out without resistance. Then she started cleaning the wound carefully.

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