Leap Of Faith

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Iseki's eyes widened when he saw she wasn't going to make it. He lunged to catch her and grabbed her wrist as she passed him. He tipped over the edge then and barely held on with the toes of his bare feet. "I got ya." He said reassuringly as she dangled in his firm grip.

Reyna whimpered and swung her other hand to grab his arm. "Please do not fucking drop me." She begged, panic in her blue eyes. "Pull me up. Pull me up!" She demanded hopefully. She didn't weigh much at all but she hoped he could pull her up.

Iseki sighed with relief that he'd caught her in time. "Relax doll. I got ya." He reassured as he jerked upright pulling her with him and to his chest. "You weigh practically nothing." He said grinning.

Reyna let herself sigh with relief once she was on the cage. She pressed her forehead to his shoulder and took a few deep breaths to steady herself. She did not think she could do that again. But she knew she had to.

"You're okay. I'm not gonna let you fall." Iseki reassured her. "My name is Iseki." He just held her so she would know she was safe. (This is gonna be a long day.) He thought.

Reyna exhaled again and pulled her head away. "Is that a normal name around here?" She couldn't help but ask with amusement as she looked at him.

"Yeah." He said chuckling. "Please tell me I can at least pronounce your name." He grinned at her with amusement.

She opened her mouth to speak and that was when it hit her. He had huge ears atop his head. As if being a red eyed criminal wasnt enough. Now he was some kind of animal or creature. Or something. The shock of it made her gasp and moved backwards to pull away from him out of instinct. She stepped off the side of the cage and fumbled to grab at his shirt to hold on with the sudden dropping of nothing beneath her feet with a gasp. But she had a feeling he wasn't going to be able to catch her this time.

Iseki watched her tumble backwards and just barely managed to grab her and haul her back on to the cage. He fell on his ass pulling her with him. "Hells woman are you trying to go for a dip?" He teased lightly with a chuckle. "What's with the sudden urge to jump?"

Reyna blinked at him and scrambled back to standing position to be away from him. "You have...ears!" She exclaimed, holding her hands out to keep her balance with the swaying of the cage. Where the hell was she?

"Yes." He said cocking an eyebrow at her. "Don't you?" (What is her deal?) He wondered with amusement.

She ran a hand through her hair. "Yes. But mine are human ears." She said slowly as if he needed it explained to him. Was this really normal here? Things weren't human but were people?

Iseki couldn't help but laugh. "And mine are kanis ears. What's the problem?" He asked. "Do you not have my kind where you come from?"

Reyna shook her head vigorously. "No. There are humans. And animals. Not mixtures of the two." She insisted.

Iseki frowned at her. "Alright that's just downright offensive." He said flatly. "Look I told you that you are in a different world. Just because I'm a kanis doesn't mean you have to act like every other asshole in this world towards me." (Typical. Humans are all the same no matter where they're from.)

She shot him a dark look. "Listen asshole, don't fucking lump me in with every other prick you've met. You should be a little more understanding that where I come from there's no mystical creatures there's no magic and there's no fucking man with cat ears. Get offended all you want. I can't help that this is all alarming. So can we just fucking cage jump and be done with it instead of you acting like I'm being racist or something." She put a hand on her hip with annoyance.

Iseki stood up and looked at her in the eyes. "For starters they're not cat ears." He said flatly. "They're closer to a dog's ears. And secondly. How the hell is there no magic in your world? Third thing. I always get judged based on my race. Especially by humans. So forgive me if I'm a little cross about racist comments. And don't for a second act like you haven't been under the impression that I'm some evil fuck ever since you laid eyes on me. Hell I've saved your life more than once now and you're still looking at me like that."

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