You'll Know When It's Time...

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March 31st, 1991- Janet's POV

"Yeah this is a nice dress you have to wear it tonight." I stared at this emerald green dress that Ari was holding up and I sighed, not even feeling the good vibes that I should be feeling. "You're only 6 months and it's just beginning to show, so I think it'll give the public a great sense of who you and E are." Lauren said and I rolled my eyes. I wasn't sure how many more times I would have to say that me and Eric aren't the same. He's not even home as much anymore. It's like it happens so much I don't even react anymore. But when people say that me and Eric are couple goals and the ultimate hip hop couple, it stings a little bit.

But if you want to know why I'm even looking at dresses, it's because Eric is being honored at this galley tonight. It's not a NWA award either, it's just for him. He won it because of his giving back to the community and stuff. And as his wife and supposed right hand, I'm gonna be there by his side to see him accept the honor. Plus, it would be awkward not to go because the public don't know shit about what's really going on. All they know that's going on is that I'm pregnant again but me and E are happy, rich, powerful, in love and live in a palace in Calabasas. Literally the only problem the public thinks we have is Cube. And in reality it's the pure opposite.

Are we rich, to some extent yeah. Am I pregnant again, yeah. But am I happy, hell no. But fuck it. "More than likely Eric's wearing all black so it'll look good." Lauren's voice brought me back to reality. I waved my hand lazily and Lauren smiled. "She'll take it." She told the lady and I shook my head. Ari stared at me and I know she wanted to say something. And, as much as I didn't want to hear it, I know she was going to say something. "So Jay.." I looked at her. "...About Pac." My eyes widened and Lauren looked absolutely taken for a loop. "Pac? As in Tupac?"she asked and Ari nodded smirking.

Let me explain. The first time I met Tupac was back in 1990. He had come to one of my shows and he wanted to meet me. I only granted it because I knew he was in Digital Underground and they were pretty good so I wanted to meet him too. What I wasn't expecting though was for him to one be so flirty and good at it too. And two for him to be as good looking as he is. But either way it goes I'm not looking for a man, and allowing my eyes to wander before was what landed me in so much bullshit. I told Ari exactly that then and I'm taking this moment to repeat myself. "Ari I'm not interested in ole dude." Ari smacked his lips. "Yeah I know but he into you and the other night proves it. Not to mention E act like yo ass is non-existent unless y'all going out somewhere." I rolled my eyes.

I meant to add that me, Gina and Ari went out Thursday for dinner and Cube was gonna meet us there. And when he came, he brought Pac along because they had just met. And the entire time, Pac talked to me and only me. Like he was so damn interested in me for whatever reason. But I didn't crack, all he knows is that I'm pregnant and I'm with E and that's all he'll ever know about me. But Ari is hell bent on making us something. She truly now thinks Pac just might be the one for me. But I don't know. Lauren continued to stare with her mouth opened. "Janet you got all of Tupac's attention and you mean to tell me you're ignoring it?" I shook my head. "I'm 5 months pregnant. I have children and a career to worry about." Ari smirked.

"What?" I sighed and she laughed. "It's just...Eric didn't once come up in that list." I just sighed and then the lady reappeared with my dress. "Here you are. Have a great day ladies." "You too," we all said in unison as we walked out the shop. "Jay listen," Ari spoke when we were halfway to the car. "What?" "What you just did in there, your reaction when I said that Eric didn't come up in that list of things you care shows me that you know you need to move on. You know you want to move on and you should. You know you should." I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. She put her arm around me as we finally got to the car. "But if you not ready right now that's cool. But you'll know when it's time to cross that bridge.."

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