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*1 month later-April 18, 1990* Eazy's POV

We were sitting in our studio trying to come up with more material for this EP we're working on. It was already green lit to come out sometime in the summer this year and I was pumped because what we have settled on is making sure we put a few disses in there at Cube snake ass. So far we knew one thing for sure, that we wanted like 5 songs on the motherfucker and we had one done already, which was "Real Niggaz". I think it was appropriate, because we had snuck a little diss in there at his ass already but I definitely wanted more at least one more. But the guys, well they weren't giving me much of a response at all.

It was pure silence as we all sat absent mindedly doing random things. I was playing with my fingers, Dre was twisting the knobs on the soundboard, Yella was staring off into space and Ren was just doodling in his notebook instead of writing lyrics. I was getting sick of the silence, it was so thick it was almost deafening. So I decided to speak up. "So ain't nobody gonna say it I see. Well I'm gonna say it, there needs to be another diss against his ass, and we should make it the lead single." I said confidently and Dre raised his head to look at me for the first time all day. "I personally think that this one song is enough." I smacked my lips. "Dre," I dragged his name out, "That barely said anything about him. He needs to be kicked off his high horse." Dre shook his head.

"He do, especially now that I hear his bitch ass coming out with an album. Trying to imply that he better than us." My voice was raising. "He know damn well without us he'd be nothing. And his album gonna be a flop, because he ain't got the world's greatest producer producing it." I smirked patting Dre on the back and he kinda smiled back. "Thanks E." "It was messed up what he was tryna do to you though and trying to use me and Ren to do it." I nodded. "Exactly see that's why we need another diss on here, to remind him he need to stay in his place." I sat back down on the couch. "But see that's just it E," Ren spoke for the first time all day too and we all turned to look at him.

"Me and Dre dissing that nigga for strictly musical reasons, because truthfully none of us got anything against the nigga personally. He can still suck my dick because he tried to use me but other than that I don't even think about him anymore. I think Dre and Yella feel the same way. You on the other hand, you making this shit personal." I sighed heavily. "I mean look at the damage he did to my fucking relationship!" I argued and Ren laughed. "Nigga please he ain't do shit to you and Janet. Like literally he tried to be there for both of y'all and y'all both pushed him away especially you. You on the other hand, destroyed his entire relationship with his brother!"

"They were really close too and last I checked they still ain't speaking til this day. You damn near ruined his entire life and you don't even care! The only thing I dislike him for is the fact that he tried to use me but nonetheless, I do feel sorry for what he went through on account of you. You can't be the pot calling the kettle black." I glared at him, hating that he shot me down like that. The way he defending Cube make me feel like I should've let him go with his ass. But then again, he did try to use Ren and Dre so I don't know at this point. But what I do know is that whether these niggas believe it or not, that nigga did a lot of damage. Like my life hasn't been the same.

Sure Ruthless is now a huge ass powerhouse because of the incredible run we had in 89. Our tour sold out, we sold 3 million records and we got on MTV and Pump It Up, on our terms. And Janet and Lele got us worldwide recognition. Rhythm Nation went multi platinum and became one of the fastest selling records ever and my baby winning awards left and right. I'm talking Billboard Awards and American Music Awards like damn Jay. And Michel'le album went platinum and they're both gone, away on tour but they'll be back towards the end of the year. I signed more artists to the label and finally got out of the hood, moved me Janet and baby girl Londy into this sexy ass mansion in Calabasas. Nigga doing great. It was almost as if Cube was non existent.

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