Maybe It's Time...

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Janet's P.O.V

Two months have passed since Eazy sealed the opportunity of a lifetime for me. I was going on tour in less than 3 months and I had been focused on nothing but practicing almost non stop. I know Mike was my brother and all and I honestly could have just asked to go on tour with him but the thing was Michael was a huge star. Literally we're talking about a guy who has the biggest selling album of all time and has set unheard of records here. But of course to me and Eazy and the rest of the guys, he was still my brother and their favorite out of all of my brothers.

But on the flip side, he was also a king. A king of performance and if you were going anywhere with him, you had to be on your fucking grind. Sister or not. And that's why I'm gonna bring it once it's time to hit the stage. I rehearse throughout the week with my crew here at Ruthless in the dance studio Eazy had singled out just for me and on weekends I go down to the Staples Center and rehearse with Michael and his crew. I work here on choreography and my singing because 3 out of the 4 singles I had released and was going to sing during my set had dope groovy beats and I had to dance to them. Dre had done his damn thing.

And with Mike I just rehearse mostly my singing because in addition to my set, at the end of the night I was going to go out and sing "Man in the Mirror" with him. Of course he was going to outdo me because one his voice is better and it's his show and two I was just doing backup but I had to make sure everything was on point. Michael at the end of the day was a perfectionist and in his mind and words this was going to be the biggest tour ever. Not to mention there was a lot of pressure on me because it was basically my chance to get the limelight that I needed to get out there and make this singing shit work.

"Okay and one two kick ball step three four turn and grind." I coached my background dancers and we went through the routine that I had pieced together for "Miss You Much" which was going to be another single from my album. It was pretty high in in intensity and energy. I had male dancers for this as well the routine I made for "Alright" which more than likely Travis and one of my dancers would accompany me in on stage.

And the best part was that when my album dropped and I could start on music videos, the choreography would be the exact same stuff that I was dropping here. Just add a bomb ass storyline or meaning and some costumes and I had a dope ass video simple. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and I seen out of the corner of my eye one of my dancers, Timothy, trip over his feet.

"Damn it," he swore and looked up at me. "My bad Jan I missed the turn." I shook my head. "Well normally I wouldn't mind but we only got a month and a half to get this right before we do dress rehearsal. And we have to make sure we got something to show Mike when we go for rehearsal tomorrow so we really have to nail this." I said sternly. "Alright Jay." I rolled my eyes and got back into position. "Okay from the top, 3, 2, 1..."


Eazy's POV

"And you're sure you wanna do this?" Cube was asking me softly as him and the rest of the guys followed behind me in the ring section of Kay Jewelers in downtown LA. I shook my head yes for like the hundredth time. "Yeah man I mean I know I've done some fucked up shit but.. I want to make it all good now." I replied as I looked at the silver rings thinking about what color lining I should put inside. Maybe emerald for her birthstone, or maybe lavender for her favorite color. Dre looked over my shoulder and frowned. "Why you getting her a silver one? Ain't proposal rings supposed to be gold?" I instantly rolled my eyes.

"She not crazy about gold nigga damn after all this time of knowing her when's the last time you seen her wear gold like that?" I snapped and he scoffed. "Shit ion know, that's your girl. I pay attention to one and one only and that's my bitch." "That's a fucking lie!" Ren yelled from where he was standing over by the graduation rings. Dre rolled his eyes. "Well I'm gonna have to now that's she in the studio more." "You need to wife her man, not only does Lele have that incredible voice she also loves you more than any girl I've ever seen you with and that's been a lot of damn girls my nigga." I said as I looked at a 1.2 karat princess cut silver diamond ring with encrusted sapphire. I examined it carefully.

"Man I don't know, I mean I care for her but there's just too much pussy out here! Especially since Jerry talking about we finna go on tour in December? Imagine the pussy E, the pussy!" Dre grabbed the back of my hoodie shaking me. I laughed. "Yeah man I know there's a lot out there and that's why I need to go ahead and lock Cheeky up because even though I get a lot I want her forever."

Cube smacked his lips as he looked for an engagement ring for Gina. We had planned on doing a double proposal. He had been with Gina for 6 years and was ready to consider wifing her up and Janet had been in my life for over 10 years and regardless of my constant fucking up I loved her and she knew it. "How you figure though man that you ready when you know you got that crazy bitch Joyce on your ass, you know the one who finna have your baby at the end of the year?" I glared at him knowing he was right, the guys know everything the girls don't.

"That's why I think maybe it's time Cube. I know I have a pussy addiction but I know at the end of the day Cheeky is the only one I want to and need to wife up. Besides there's another reason I'm doing this you know." I said as I began to walk up to the register. "What?" They all asked in unison as they followed me and I smiled. "Because... maybe it's time for Cheeky to have my baby..."

Hey guys!! The update is finally here!! Thanks for all the love that I've received over the past few weeks and it's definitely given enough inspiration to finish this book and make it as great as I possibly can! Hope you guys love on this chapter more will be coming soon! Like/comment!! More to come!!!

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