Goodbye Janet...

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Janet's P.O.V

I sniffled as the sobs continued to rack my body. "Come on Dunk you gotta stop crying, E just needs some time to cool off and he'll be back." I looked up at Michael who had nothing but feeling in his deep brown eyes. I put my head back on his knee and continued to cry. I knew he wasn't gonna be back, at least not today. I should've just told him, and we could've did what we had to do to get through it. I don't know why I thought he would leave me because of it, especially when his opinion meant more to me than anyone else's.

This is why I honestly hate it when people call me smart. Because I'm not, I just know enough to get by. If I was really smart, I wouldn't have underestimated my best friend's love for me and drove him away. Mike continued to rub my hair and tried to comfort me, but I was honestly tuning out practically everything he was saying. I was sitting there thinking about last night. The way he made my back arch off the bed. And this morning. The way he looked when he saw the negative pregnancy test. Maybe had it been positive, he would've stayed.

Latoya came into the room and sighed. She handed me another pack of tissue and pulled me up from Michael's lap. "Come on now Janet, you're about to leave in 2 weeks! You're about to take the next step in your journey. I like Eazy I do, but you just can't throw your life away over some nigga." I looked into her eyes with anger in mine. "That nigga is my best friend...and hopefully still my man." Tears pooled in my eyes all over again as I started to sob.

Michael grabbed me from Toya and I leaned against him, face in his neck and wailed. Suddenly I heard Mother and Joseph's voices. "Oh my poor baby, what's wrong with her?" I felt her sit on the bed and take me away from Mike, I was still crying. "Eazy found out that she's leaving and he left." Michael replied. "Why didn't you tell him sweetie?" I just shrugged my shoulders because that's all I could manage to do because I was choking on my tears.

"It's okay honey." Then I heard loud laughing at my misery. Joseph. "Serves her right, I told her 8 years ago, didn't I tell her dumb ass Lord? His thug hoe ass never gave a fuck about you and never will. I'm pretty sure you done gave up the pussy too? Yeah of course you have that's why he ain't here now!" I felt myself get hot, he wasn't about to disrespect me and E like this, not anymore.

I stood up and slapped him so hard across the face he tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. "DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT YOU SORRY MOTHERFUCKER!!!" I screamed. "HE DOES LOVE ME! I just made a mistake but don't put dirt on our love because you fucked yours up! Why don't you go back to your bitch anyway. That strawberry bitch that's old enough to be our sister. Go back to her and your daughter too, the one you think we don't know about? Just go, cause you've done nothing for us but cause us grief and pain. Fuck you, dad."

It was dead quiet. I heard Mother begin to sob as she ran out the door with Toya following her. "You son of a bitch." She hissed at him before leaving. Joseph looked up at me with those cold green eyes. Suddenly he lunged at me, knocking me down and wrapping his hands around my throat. "You fucking slut!" He screamed and I kicked my legs trying to get free. Finally I felt him get yanked off of me. It was Mike. He grabbed Joseph and threw him out the room and down the stairs.

"GET OUT MUTHAFUCKA!!" His voice was now a loud growl instead of the soft whisper I was so used to. He walked up to me and grabbed me. "It's okay, it's okay." He pulled away and looked at me. "This is not the end you hear me, you got got this..."


*2 weeks later*- July 9th, 1983

I watched as Michael and Marlon grabbed the last of my bags and placed them in the trunk of the car, preparing to take me to the airport. All of my squad was out here ready to wish me off. All except E. Mike was wrong, he didn't come back and despite the numerous voice mails I've left him, I haven't heard from him since he left. No one has.

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