Gender Reveal...

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*1 week and a half later*- September 1,1989

Janet's POV

"Jan, aye Jan." I kept hearing someone whispering in my ear. I tried my best to ignore it because I was tired as hell. I've been with the boys on the road since I landed in New York. I really wanted to stay and watch Michael's Australian shows, but he began to freak out once he saw just how big I had become, and he felt that I needed to be back in the States safe and sound. Plus, he added, I needed to be around Eazy since this was his baby that I'm having. So case in point, I have been on this bumpy tour bus, traveling throughout the North with these fools. We still in Minnesota for right now, because apparently there was an impromptu interview that they had to do before we headed on to Detroit.

And I haven't been to any of the shows unfortunately. Well actually not unfortunately because I mean I am 9 months pregnant now, and this baby is gonna be out at any given time later in the month. So I really don't want or need to move anymore than what I have to. And I've been doing a lot of sleeping, which I thoroughly enjoy. At least until now. "Jay, Jay. Wake up!" Suddenly the person shoved me and a fire arose in me. I rolled over and slapped whoever woke me up out of my peaceful slumber. "Ah shit!" The person screamed as they fell on the floor. I leaned over to try and see which one of these niggas it was, but they were on their side holding their face so I couldn't tell.

"What the fuck Janet!" They rolled over onto their back and I seen that it was Cube. Normally, regret would instantly fill my body but I was so irritable that I didn't give a fuck. "Cube, the fuck you in here disrupting my sleep for?" I screamed as he began to stand up. Once he stood completely, he began rubbing his face again. "Goddamn you hit like a fucking man!" He hissed. "Is this normally how you hit, or is this just how hard pregnant women hit." I shrugged. "I don't know, you wanna find out again?" "No, hell no!" He put his hands up in surrender. "Look, I'm just here to relay a message to you from Eazy."

I frowned instantly. Even though between Cube and E, I was being waited on head and foot, I still felt like it was a set up. Like I knew Cube was doing it from the heart, I felt like Eric was too, but it felt like he was in competition with Cube, like he thought it was a race for my attention and love. Not to mention also that I think he's fucking around on me, even though I'm in his presence. So because of all that, I really wasn't in any mood to find out what he wanted to tell me. "What is it Cube?" And immediately after I said, his face went from neutral to his classic mean mug. And I mean mugged too, because it was really crazy that somehow, I had seen the exact mug before. But not on Cube, on another face. "Eazy said he wants you to get up and dress nice." He said simply and I smacked my lips in anger.

"I can't fit anything nice. I'm pregnant remember?" Cube sighed. "In one of your maternity dresses or whatever he called them. And when you're done doing that, come with me." I groaned and sat up, Cube helped me out of the bed and stood me up. I then wobbled towards my closet and pulled the first maternity dress I put my hands on. Which was black with pink stripes running across it. I slipped on my fluffy black slippers and let my jet black hair down, it fell to the the middle of my back. When I turned to Cube, I really wasn't looking at him, I was looking at my slippers. "Yo you ready?" I then looked up and it was when I realized how good he looked today.

Like for real, he had on a Raiders jersey but his blue NWA jacket with his name in the right corner over it, some Levi jeans and some black Chuck Taylors. His curls were on point as always, thick ,bouncy and wet with a snapback with again his name on it, jammed over them. And his light facial hair had been evenly lined up. It had really just came to my attention just how much of an attractive guy O'Shea Jackson really was.

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