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*4 months later*- August 20, 1989

Eazy's POV

"NWA! These my niggas for life! And we love you all for life New York!!" I screamed into the microphone as Dre continued to scratch the beat of Straight Outta Compton, slowly making it fade out. Ren, Cube and I were walking around the edges of the stage slapping fans hands and interacting with them. I was so happy to get back on stage and continue touring when we could. No more ducking and dodging the homies back in LA, because my new daughters were home and healthy. Sharon was almost 3 months now and Raven was 1 and a half, she was daddy's baby born on Cube's birthday actually, June 15th, also the same day I lost Q. That day will always be special apparently.

I didn't tell either of their crazy ass mothers about Janet though. Because I can actually feel shit starting to thicken. It's bad enough they know I'm with her and that they're salty about that but if they were to know that she's pregnant, it would send shit overboard. And I don't need Janet succumbing to that ghetto bullshit right before her album finally drops next month. She doesn't need the negative attention nor does Ruthless. It's still hard to sleep at night over this shit because even though I haven't seen Kai ever since we boned out of Tennessee, she's been paging and calling me like crazy. Basically blackmailing the shit out of me.

Not to mention Tracy is actually still here...on tour with us. It's trifiling I know but I'm not gonna see Janet for another 3 weeks because Michael has a few more shows to finish up in Australia and Janet wants to be there to see them. And then she'll be on her way back to the States to have the baby and work on music videos and shit. So I needed some female companionship. I just can't keep my dick in my pants like Cube advised. It's too hard, but what's harder for me to deal with is the fact that this means I'm a horrible friend and boyfriend to Janet. All she wants to do is love me and I can't even allow her that.

That's where I draw the line, I can't continue to let my dick think for me instead of my heart. I want to have with Cheeky what Cube and Gina have. There have been nights where we're on the bus and I can hear Gina crying to him about how much she misses him and how she's come to be grateful for that party bringing them together and that she's for sure they're meant to me. And I hear Cube telling her no matter what happens, he's staying with her and that she has nothing to worry about. That his love for her is everlasting and stronger every day.

They be on that deep shit but the thing that makes it deep is the fact that the shit they say is true. And like me, Cube actually has an idea for a ring in mind for Gina but he just wants to afford it. That's something else that's a whole other story. Some shit that just a fucking headache at this point. But it's just ridiculous how me and Cheeky been in each other lives for 15 years now but we've only had about 3 or 4 really good years together. Basically we were great until we became a couple and shit. It's like ever since then, she hasn't been happy and I'm the source of her unhappiness. And I want to change that. I need to marry my Cheeky.

I was so deep in thought that I basically forgot the show was over. "Eric why you still on the stage??" Jerry yelled at me from the wings. I came back to reality and seen he was right, the crowd was leaving out the hall and I was the only one still on stage. "My bad Jerry, I was thinking." I muttered as I walked into the wings. "About?" I glared up at him. He was beginning to get too much into my personal business for my taste. I mean yeah he our manager and a friend, but he ain't gotta interrogate me. "Is it really some of your fucking business Jerry?" I snapped and he nodded immediately. "Yes it is, especially if it's involving your pregnant girlfriend, who also happens to be one of my clients."

My eyebrows raised. "What about Janet is so important as to why you up in my business?" "Look Eric all I'm saying is Janet is on her way here and her plane is due in at any moment now. And it's really funny that she is due to have your baby this time next month and yet you have these random...women, running around here like nobody's business." I shook my head knowing he was talking about Tracy. "She's coming early? Damn, but what's your fucking point Jerry."  "I just want you to be happy Eric and I want to believe you're happy with Janet. But if you're constantly going to continue to treat her like this, you just might end up losing both your love and a viable artist. And that second half is where my concerns lie." He patted my shoulder and began going toward the door.

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