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Warning: child abuse.

"You've never acted like my father, why start now?" Tony said, immediately regretting it after.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. I gave you a roof on your head, food in your mouth, clothes on your back; and this is how you treat me, with disrespect?" Howard replied back, his voice rising as he spoke.

Howard suddenly brings his hand up towards me, palm outwards and slaps me across the face. Tony's head snaps back from the force of the slap and he stumble a bit, tears starting to form.

"Don't be such a baby Anthony. There is no reason for you to be crying. Stark men are mad of iron." Howard taunts the teen.

"Shut up Howard! I've had enough of all this. You have been abusing me all my life. What did I even do to deserve any of this? What have I ever done?" Tony screams at his father, finally breaking from all the torment and abuse.

"What did you do? You killed my wife. She was the love of me life and because of you she's dead." Howard spat out before he started to hit me.

He punched me in the stomach and I fell down to the floor, gagging.
"Your pathetic."
Howard kicked me in the ribs a few times.
'I can't show him how he's hurting me. I'm a Stark. Starks are made of iron. I am strong. I will not let Howard beat me down to nothing. I am something.' I repeatedly said this in my head as Howard beat me

Once Howard decided Tony has had enough, he left. Tony limped to his room and went to the bathroom to treat his wounds. Jarvis comes in half way through, "what did Howard do to you, Tony?" Jarvis asked.

"I'm fine Jarvis, I've been through worse. I made him angry, We got into a fight, and he was drinking. I should of known. What do you expect him to do?" Tony replies.

Jarvis helps Tony treat his wounds then leaves to confront Howard.

"Howard, you can't do that to your son. You have to st-"

"You can't tell me what to do. He isn't your son. I can discipline him however I see fit. He deserves everything I give to him." Howard interrupts angrily.

"He does not deserve to be  abused by his own father. He shouldn't have to be afraid in his own home because his father is an alcoholic. He deserves to be loved and cared for. He is a child for damn sake." Jarvis says, a hint of aggression in his voice, before leaving.

Jarvis goes up to Tony's room and sees he is asleep on his bed. Jarvis walks up to Tony and covers him with a blanket and shuts the door, letting Tony sleep.

A/N: around 470 words.

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