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Trigger warning: tumour,
death!sentence from infinity war! Sadness! I'm sorry! Enjoy!

For the past few weeks Peter has been hiding his progressively worsening symptoms. His symptoms include: loss of body control, exhaustion, fatigue, drowsiness, headaches and memory gaps and those are only the symptoms he knows about!

It was late June and Tony and peter were working in the lab. Tony realised something was wrong with Peter when he started to stumble.
"Dad I- I don't feel so go-good. M-my legs, I can't fe-feel them, please he-help me, please." Peter stutters out.
"Your okay, I'll keep you safe, your okay, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry." Tony replies, his anxiety rising. Tony helps lead Peter to the couch in the lab and instructs Friday to call an ambulance. Once the ambulance comes the paramedics take Peter out of the lab on a stretcher and take him to the hospital.

Once they get to the hospital the doctors do a bundle of tests to find out what is wrong with Peter. After finishing the extensive testing they figured out that the young child has an inoperable brain tumour and only has up to six months left to live. Immediately upon hearing this news Tony suddenly felt lightheaded and had to close his eyes for a bit to recover.

About a week later Peter was released from the hospital with some medicine to help relieve the pain and slow down the symptoms growth. Peter soon starts going to school again but he has to take it easy as he tires awfully quickly. He doesn't go out as Spiderman anymore because of the side effects the meds have on him and he stays at home most of the time in attempt to save his energy. His lack of appetite is what really scares Tony. Peter had to eat at least 4000 calories a day to keep up with his metabolism but he isn't able to keep down anything solid.

Every other week they have to go back to the hospital for scans and to see how the cancer is progressing. The results are never good, the doctors and nurses always say the same thing "think positively, we're all here for you, you'll get through this..." well it's hard for us to think positively when you have an inoperable brain tumour.
4 months after the diagnosis Peter was sleeping in his room at the tower when Tony came in to wake him up for school however Peter wouldn't wake up. Tony tried and tried for hours to wake Peter up but he just wouldn't wake.

Peter Stark died at the age of 16 on August 8th in his sleep. His father Tony Stark followed him soon after in December from broken heart syndrome.

A/N 455 words. Sorry for how said this is. Trekkiehood  #whumpmadness2019

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