Bullies and lies

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Trigger warning: bullying, sadness

Today was a difficult day. Ned was sick and MJ is on a family trip. Flash wouldn't leave me alone today. He took my lunch money so I didn't eat and on top of that I was late for school so I didn't eat breakfast which is really bad with my metabolism. I also by mistake answered a question that he got wrong, embarrassing him.
"Yo, Penis Parker where do you think your going? You embarrassed me in class today, time for you to get your well deserved beating." Flash said as he creeped closer to me. Today, he was relentless with the beating, and by the end of it I had broken 6 of my ribs (4 on the left side and 2 on the right side), he broke my nose, gave me a black eye, sprained my left arm and right ankle. He also called things like worthless, an orphan, stupid, unloveable, stupid, fat, ugly and so much more.

Once Flash decided I have had enough, he left and I dragged myself to the school toilets to clean up a bit. I soon realised that there was no way I could hide what happened to me when I live with 2 super soldiers, 2 spies, 2 geniuses, 2 gods, a mind reader and an overprotective aunt. After doing what I can to cover up my injuries I limp over to Happy's car and get in. I start rambling about my day, not noticing the text Happy sent to Tony or the worried look on his face. The entire journey I try to ignore the stares coming from Happy's direction until we get to the tower.
"Boss wants to speak to you. He's in the lab." Happy says as I leave the car.
"Okay, thanks Happy." I reply.

I quickly limp towards the lift and get welcomed in by FRIDAY.
"Hello Peter, well done on your Spanish quiz today. You seem to have various injuries and I will have to report to boss unless you do." "It's okay Fri, I'll tell him and thanks."

In lab:
"Hey Dad, how are you?" I ask lacking in my normal cheerfulness.
"I'm okay thanks, Happy said something's wrong." Tony asks without looking up. "I'm fine." I reply instantly.
"I have used those two words so often that I know they... what the hell happened to you face??!!" Tony shouted, worry deep in his voice when he saw what happened to my face.
"It's nothing." I say
"Fri scan him now." Tony demands his AI.
"Peter seems to have 6 broken ribs, 4 on the left side and 2 on the right side, a broken nose, a black eye, he also has a sprained arm and leg." The AI informs Tony in her natural monotone voice.
"Who did this to you?" Tony said, his voice faltering a bit.
"Ju-just a few ki-kids in my school. I-it usually isn't t-this bad. Dad don't do anything, please." I tell him.
"What do you mean by 'usually isn't this bad'? They've don't it before? How long have they been bullying you, Peter? And don't lie to me." Dad asks. "Since year 7. It's fine though. They usually just say stuff to me." I reply.
"What do they say?"
"I don't know. Stuff like I'm worthless, I'm a bother, fat, ugly, unloveable. Stuff like that. It's not like they're wrong." My voice hitching at the end as I start to cry on my dad's shoulder.
"Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, listen to me. You are none of those things okay. You are the most beautiful, smartest, kindest most loveable human being in the world. You are worth so much and you're not a bother okay? I will repeat it everyday until you believe me." Tony tried to convince me. Let's hope I start to believe him soon.

A/N: around 646 words.

I think This is the longest chapter I wrote. For Whumpmadness2019

One-shots Irondad and SpidersonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin