Dead? Alive?

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Last night the Avengers went on a mission to take down a hydra base. It was an easy mission, no one got hurt, or so everyone thought. They got on the jet to go home and Tony got out of his suit, adrenaline leaving him.
"Tony, your bleeding!" Steve pointed out.
"What?" Tony exclaimed as he put his hand towards his stomach and his hand comes back a dark red colour. Suddenly feeling all his injuries, Tony collapses in agony the last thing he hears and sees is Steve with an apprehensive look shouting his name.
Steve turns to Clint, who's in the cockpit, and orders him to go as fast as possible to the tower so Tony can get medical attention. Once they get to the tower, Bruce and Dr. Helen Cho take Tony to surgery as fast as they can.

A few hours later we have all showered and are now sitting in the waiting room for some news. 3 hours later Bruce comes out of the operation room with an unreadable face and tells us that they expect Tony to make a full recovery with the help of lots of physical therapy and support.

A/N: 197 words
This is really short and bad. It was really rushed.
I saw captain marvel tonight and I loved it.

One-shots Irondad and SpidersonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang