
2.9K 66 10

Warning: blood, shot, surgery.

"Peter, you have been shot in the left arm, right leg, and abdomen. You are losing blood fast. If you don't get help soon you are going to die." Karen said, her voice filled with worry.

"Call Mister Stark please." I asked.

"Hey kid, you alright? It's nearly midnight, shouldn't you be asleep?" Mister Stark questioned.

"Hi Mister Stark. I need a little bit of help. I'm by the cinema. Please come fast. I-I need y-you." Peter says, his voice breaking a bit at the end.

"I'm on the way Pete. I'll be there in two minutes. I'm not going anywhere." Mister Stark tries to comfort Peter.

Once the superhero gets to where Peter is, he sees what happened. He has three bullet holes in his suit and blood pouring out of them. He's rapidly losing blood. Tony gently picked Peter up and flew towards the tower as fast as he can.
"Jarvis, call Bruce, tell him to meet me in the med bay for Peter. Tell him Peter's symptoms." Tony asks Jarvis.

When Tony arrives at the tower he runs with Peter in his hands to the med bay. Bruce is already there, all set up, ready for Peter. Bruce kicks his fellow team mate and science bro so he can work on Peter without being interrupted.

Bruce works on Peter for hours. Pepper came to see how things were going with Peter and to make Tony have a shower and eat something.
5 hours later Bruce comes out with an unreadable face.

"Peter flatlined twice during the surgery, but luckily we managed to get his heart starting again. He had lost to much blood, and his heart couldn't keep up with everything that was happening. The only way his heart would beat is if we put in an ark reactor. It was a life and death situation. He will need you there every step of the way in his recovery. You can go see him now. He should be waking up soon." Bruce informed the couple.

"Thank you Bruce so much. This means a lot. I won't leave his side, believe me. He's like a son to me. I'm sure Pepper thinks so too. I love him. Thank you for saving him." Tony thanks Bruce whilst hugging him.

Tony goes into the room where Peter is and sits by his side. When Peter starts to stir Tony calls Bruce in. Bruce asks Peter some follow up questions and tells him about the reactor, he answers a few questions that Peter has then leaves us alone.

"Peter? How are you feeling? Are you okay with the reactor? If not we can make a new one. Or I'll find another way for your-"
"Tony. I'm fine. I love the arc reactor. It means I'll have something to remind me of you whole time now." Peter interrupts.

Peter later falls asleep after eating a snack and watching Star Wars with his father figure/mentor next to him.  

"Jarvis take a picture." Tony whispered

"Done sir."

A/N: around 506 words

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