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Trigger warning: torture, force feeding, blood. If I forgot something just tell me and I'll add it. Enjoy.

I wake up groggy and in pain, unable to move. I look down and see that I'm hanging from the ceiling by my hands. I pull on the chains but they don't budge, even with my super strength. I start to look at my surroundings. I'm in a small cell with no windows. The only way in and out of the room is through the door. I see something in the far right corner that looks like a person, they are also chained to a wall like me. The man starts to wake up shortly after I did.
"Hello? Can you hear me? Are you ok? Do you know where we are?" I say to the man.
"Steve? Is that you? It's me Tony. I don't know where we are we. Are you ok?" Tony asks.
"Stark, I cant remember how we got here, all I remember is that last night I was sitting on the couch watching a movie, and then I went to bed. Next thing I know I'm waking up hanging from the ceiling, unable to get free." I reply trying to keep my anxiety at bay.

Out of nowhere the door opens, pouring light into the room, blinding me. "Ah, I see you guys are awake. Let's get started shall we." The man said as he walked closer to me. Once he got close enough he started to beat me. He would punch, stab, electrocute, any thing to hurt me. Whatever Tony said wouldn't help it just made it worse. Tony begged for the man to leave me alone and to just hurt him instead but the guy wouldn't listen. After a few hours of this, the man stops and turns to leave. I am all black and blue by the end of the beating, my body littered with bruises, arms bleeding, face swollen, and I am having trouble breathing.
"Stark, I don't know if my body can last much longer. Whatever drug they gave to knock me out has diminished my strength significantly." I say. Trying to stay awake.

A few hours later a different man came in with a tray that was covered. He uncovered the tray to show it had a few pieces of bread and 2 cups of water. He then left it on the floor just out of our reach so we can't eat it. The food stays there for hours. No one comes in or out. I'm starving. It's getting hard to stay awake. I've not eaten since dinner last night and I need at least a 3500 calories a day for nourishment.
The next day the first man came to see that the food hasn't been eaten. "You guys aren't hungry? You've been here for nearly 2 days and haven't eaten anything." The man says.
"Of course we're hungry. You put the food out of our reach. We're hanging by our hands how do you expect us to eat the food." Tony answers first.
"Why didn't you say so? Someone could have fed you the food, but now it's for your daily beating." The man says with a smug look on his face.
He walks up to me again and does the same as he did the day before.

The beating lasted a few hours, and by the end of it I was even worse then I was yesterday. My head kept lolling to one side as I struggle to find the strength to keep it up. I finally passed out of exhaustion and pain, Tony shouting at the person to leave me alone, hurt him instead but the man ignored what Tony was saying.

Later that day the man returned and came up to Tony and started to force feed him food. "Leave me alone. I don't need the food, Steve does. Give it to him not me. He'll die without it." Tony begged the man, who was not listening to what he was saying. Once the man had finished with Tony he left.
When I woke up, Tony's crying. "I'm sorry Steve. I-I tried. He made m-me eat. I didn't w-want to. I t-old hi-him to give it t-to you. He he wouldn't listen. I didn't want to ea-eat it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Steve." Tony cried, begging for my forgiveness.
"Hey Tony, its fine. I forgive you. I know you didn't want to. You had no choice okay. Just breathe. We're going to get out." I tell him.

Tony soon fell asleep. Tears drying on his face. Face fallen to one side, having all his strength taken from him. Suddenly there is an alarm going off and someone barges into the room. "Steve, Tony you in here?"
"Natasha?" I say, just as I lose consciousness again.
Natasha tells Clint she found us and calls Bruce telling him to get the med bay ready.
Clint come in the cell and starts to unlock Tony's hands from the chains; once they're free he takes Tony to the jet.
Natasha does the same to me. Once we get to the jet she lays me down on a gurney and let's Bruce work.

A/N: 860 words
Sorry this is late.

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