Ending 2-Good

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"You wanna escape!? Then go!" Hope felt herself falling, tears in her eyes. She was going to die but death was more preferable that the endless torture. She closed her eyes and let herself to fall. A small smile appeared on her face until she stopped, heat on her face.

She scrunched her face and opened her eyes, before looking away with her hand over her eyes. The sun was too bright from being in the darkness for so long. Wait. The sun??

Hope jumped to her feet, her eyes opening wide, tears from the sudden exposure and relief poured out of her eyes. She then fell to her knees, smiling as she sobbed openly. She was out, she was finally out.

Evan groaned, opening his eyes to be right next to Herman. "Took you long enough Sleeping Beauty." Herman chuckled. "Where..?" Evan asked, before looking outside, seeing the light before realizing he was in an actual house, with a bed. "No...No way!" Evan laughed, smiling brightly as he jumped out, tackling him.

Herman laughed, hugged Evan tightly. The entire situation hit Evan like a brick, bringing him to his knees. Herman fell with him as Evan cried into his shoulder, talking nonstop gibberish. "We're finally out... Oh my god... We're out!! Let's get ice cream!!!" Evan laughed, jumping up to his feet, bouncing up and down, clapping like a little kid.

"Calm down." Herman giggled, taking his hand. "Wait," Herman said with a smile. He took off Evan's mask and instantly dropped it. Herman looked at his face, his face wasn't burnt and ashy, the iron hooks were gone, he looked human! His skin tone was light with brown eyes, with short brown hair and a stubble.

"You look.." Herman whispered, blushing. "Dashing?" Evan said with a smirk, before looking him up and down. "I already thought you knew about the makeover?" Evan said, making Herman glance in the mirror.

The contraption was gone, only faint scars were slightly above and under his eyes, along with his mouth. His smooth brown complexion matched with his light hazel eyes, his hand touched his face. "I..Is everyone like this?" Herman asked, smiling brightly. "Let's go get that ice cream, huh?" Evan smiled.

Hope walked around until she noticed someone familiar, smiling brightly. "Philip! Boris!" She called out, waving. A brown-skinned boy that was taller than Boris waved. He had white messy hair and gray eyes, a white little nose ring off to the side.

"Hope! I'm so glad you came!" Philip ran over, hugging Hope. She giggled, noticing that one of his ankles were bandaged. "Don't worry about that, I'm fine." He smiled before slowly looking over at Boris, his smile was gone replaced by a frown of grief.

"What's wrong with him?" Hope asked, her eyes furrowed in concerned. Philip placed his hand on her shoulders, sighing. "It's been ten years for her and much, much longer for everyone else. Her family passed away beside her sister and she was more than grateful for Boris to help with a gravestone."

Hope sighed, remembering the people they lost on their way here. Smug and Luna had paid the price for their freedom. "Sorry to interrupt," Benedict had walked in, casually. Boris stood up, standing on defense. "Yes, Benedict?" Boris asked in a demanding tone.

"Relax, I'm just here for Smug.." His voice was ridden with guilt, he held two tombstones in his hands. Boris gave him a long look before he went back to kneeling down. Benedict walked over and placed a tombstone down where Boris was sitting.

'Here lies Luna Palontras. Beloved daughter of Nikki Palontras and Mikey Palontras and sister of Michelle Miles.' Boris bit the inside of his lip as he watched Benedict place the other one, a few centimeters beside Luna's.

'Here lies Smug Wills. Beloved friend of many.' Smug placed roses on Smug with the shirt that read, 'Funny how things worked out. I'm not one of those things' on the gravestone. "Ah... if only you knew how true that was. Sorry, pal." Benedict whispered, standing up.

Benedict looked over at Boris, noticing something shiny on his neck. "Nice dog tag." Benedict smiled, only earning a warning glare from Boris. "Why does Smug not have anyone specific on his gravestone?" Hope asked, making Benedict look at her. "Because he was a quiet individual, it was almost like he didn't exist," Benedict stated simply, walking out of the cemetery.

"Boris? Are you going to come with me and Philip for some coffee?" Hope offered, making Boris look up slightly. "I uh... sure, just give me a moment... alone." Boris told them, offering them a reassuring smile. 

Boris heard their footsteps walk away before smiling, letting out a shaky sigh. "Rest in peace Chickenbutt, don't haunt me." Boris chuckled, standing up and walked out of the cemetery, the dog tag glistening on the chain around his neck.

Given another chance at living.

"Frank!" Autumn yelled, walking into a little park that she loved when she was little. The little gate was opened and she saw Frank on the old swing set. The grass crinkled beneath her feet, making Frank look up at her.

He wasn't wearing his mask, allowing her to see his face. His light skin and his brown eyes looked back at her, his brown hair slicked back. The corner of his mouth curled up into a smirk as he walked over to her, his hands in his jacket.

"Hey Autumn." Frank smiles, his hand on her cheek. She smiled, hugging him tightly. "I thought I would never see you again," Autumn whispered. Frank pulled away slightly, lifting her chin with his thumb. "I would always find a way." Frank smiled, kissing her forehead.

Autumn smiled, walking over to the swing set, gently rocking back and forth. "So, this place is important to you?" Frank asked, sitting beside her. "Oh yeah... I met my best friend or I guess ex-best friend." Autumn went quiet after she said that, making Frank hold her hand. "You don't have to tell me," Frank told her but she smiled. "Well... I trust you and you should know." Autumn smiled weakly.

"Her name was Amani and we did a lot together but we'd always come here. We'd race each other to the slide, chase after the frisbees, which would be lost to the nearby trees or over the fence, we were too afraid to retrieve them," Autumn let out a giggle of the nicer memories she had shared with the girl, "she'd even play with my hair but..."

"But?" Frank asked, holding her hand firmer. "Well.. she had other friends, who were better than me. I was afraid to be forgotten like all my other friendships though because of my fear and paranoia, I caused it." Autumn explained, tears falling. "That must really suck, fearing abandonment all the time. Although you shouldn't worry too much or sell yourself short, you're an amazing person. You don't need a lot of friends but the ones who will stand up for you." Frank smiled.

"Yeah," She smiled, "After Amani, I met some other people, including a girl named Nova who was Luna's best friend and this guy named Luke. They've been amazing and always there for me but I still worry." Autumn told him, looking down. "I wouldn't, Luna is still with-"

"Oh god... How would Nova react to Luna's death...?" Autumn whispered, lowering her eyes. Frank got up and held her tightly. "Whatever happens, just know I'll always be here for you." Frank smiled, making Autumn smile back, tears welling up as she stood up.

"Thank you." Autumn smiled, letting out a sigh of relief.

Some honorable mentions!

Forgotten by AutumnCat9

Ask or Dare Friday The 13th The Game and Dead by Daylight Killers! by hopebug14

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