Chapter 3

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Hope had laid down on a makeshift cot, with Luna's head on her shoulder, Autumn laying her head on Luna's thigh, and Smug laid on his side away from the cuddle puddle. "Smug, aren't you cold?" Autumn asked, her head lifting off on Luna's thigh slightly. "Sure, but I don't cuddle," He gruffed, his head crane over to the little group, "besides, I have my trenchcoat." Smug muttered.

Autumn stood up, grabbing his hand and dragged him close. "Autumn! What the fu-" Smug yelp, trying to tug against her until Autumn let go, his back was against Hope's. "Stop being so stubborn!" Autumn let out a huff and went back to laying down, her head comfortably on Luna's thigh.

Though Smug couldn't sleep; he had so many questions and so many other people to meet. How could he sleep with many unknown questions that need to be answered. He stood up slowly, not wanting to wake anyone, and began walking towards a forest. Trees scattered about and streched further on, never seeming to stop.

He heard a small noise, causing him to jump. He swore and his cheeks burned in embarrassment. He walked towards the noise, brushing plants out if his way. The grassy soft ground began to come to a complete stop, rocks and stone began to make up the ground as he grew closer. The noise started to slowly develop into a sob. It was quiet, like they didn't want anyone to hear them. Smug's heart almost cracked, almost; see as he didn't know who to trust yet, someone must bound to be untrustworthy and to Smug, everyoje was untrustworthy until they prove otherwise. Not everyone was perfect and here, it was survive of the fittest; the smartest. That being exactly what Smug had assumed.

"What's wrong?" Smug asked, standing behind the person. Their sob turned into a sharp hiccup, jumping, knowing their position was blown. "H-Hey-.." They said with an attempt of cheerfulness in their voice, wiping their tears away. "It's alright if you cry. Don't stop because I'm here. Wanna talk about it?" Smug asked, sitting besides them. There was a guitar next to them, instantly making him realize who this was.

"Sorry, sorry. It's quite silly. Don't fret darlin'." She said with a smile as tears stained her cheeks. "I don't mind, silly." Smug gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm just, realizin' that I won't be leavin' anytime soon." Kate told him, sadness glossed over her eyes.

"Yeah, I haven't dwelled on it yet much. Just let out the sadness and move forward." Smug told her with a shy smile. Kate let out a slight giggle, wiping her eyes. "H-Heh, thanks." Kate smiled, relaxing slightly.

Smug opened his mouth to say something when his left cheek started burning. "Ah! Fuck!" He groaned, his hand went up to try and sooth the burning sensation. "Look's like you're going into a trial. Good luck Smug." Kate smiled, punching his shoulder gently.


Luna woke up to see Smug gone, causing her to roll his eyes. Did he leave? Luna sighed and stood up, gently placing Autumn's head on the cot. She decided to roam around, try and find someone to talk to. That was the plan until Luna crashed into someone. They had barely stumbled back but stood tall and felt like a brick wall. "S-Sorry." Luna groaned, holding her head. She hadn't realized that she was sitting on the ground from the crash.

She felt her shoulders be violently pulled and eventually her feet hovered off her ground. Her eyes looked into tired, yet furious eyes. "Watch where you're going." Then they dropped her and stormed past. Luna scowled at the guy and picked herself up. "What's that guys deal?" Luna grumbled, using her hands to brush herself off. "Don't let Quentin get to you. He's just had a bad trial." A more calm, caring voice explained. Luna looked over to a man with messy black hair and a toolbox down to his side.

"Yeah? Well, he's strong." Luna looked up at the stranger. "Don't let his tired look confused you; he's a fighter and won't go down with a fight." The man explained. He then smiled at her and extended his hand, "I'm Jake by the way." Luna shook it before his left cheek glew red, a talley mark that she recognized show again, this time on his cheek. "Are you going to be chased?" Luna asked, remembering her experience. "I'm going into a trail, yes. I already know Nea and Meg are going. I wonder who the fourth one is." Jake wondered out loud. "Well, have fun!" Luna called out before Jake walked off and disappearing from her line of sight.

Luna turned before stopping at what felt to be a barrier that she shouldn't cross. The border wasn't physically there but she knew that she wouldn't be allowed to cross over. Though, Luna always did love the challenge. "I wouldn't go over there." Dwight told Luna nervously, making Luna's eyes closed, smiling slightly as that was exactly what she was expecting. Why?" Luna asked, tilting her head. "If you went over the barrier, you run into the killers." Luna perked up at this and realized Hope did too; who recently woke up and was trying to talk to people.

"Okay, I won't." Luna lied gracefully, making Dwight smiled and walked back to the campfire. Luna and Hope shared a look, smirking. "Dwight! Look they added a locker over their!" Hope yelled, pointing towards the woods opposite of were the border was. Dwight jumped up, investigating the area; hoping the Entity was satisfied enough to give him something comfortable. Luna hurried over while Hope slipped away, chasing after Luna, giggling; surprised that actually worked.

"You don't think they're all that bad, huh?" Luna asked Hope, who shrugged. "Who knows?" Hope asked then went completely silent when they heard a twig snap. Luna's entire body jolted and Hope's head snapped over to the noise. Luna put Hope behind her, with her arm protectively held out in front of Hope as the noises grew closer. "Hey guys!" Luna and Hope let out a yelp of surprised at Autumn surprised visit. "Autumn! You scared the shit out of us!" Luna yelled, blushing in embarrassment. "Good! I wanted to come, you know." Autumn said, matter-of-factly with her hands on her hips and her bottom lip slightly pouted.

Luna rolled her eyes playfully before turning to walk before stopping. She looked up to see the familiar polished bone mask and the metal that suck out of his arms. "I-It's you." Luna squeaked, her voice seemed to be ripped away in his presence. "What are you doing?" He growled, walking closer. "We wanted to get to know you all by name." Hope explained with a smile. He was shocked at her words. "You ca-" He started before someone ran up, oblivious to the three females in front of him. "Evan! Why are you..-" A guy with a doctor's coat and a weird, painful contraption on his head trailer off, slowly looking at the ground.

"So your name's Evan?" Hope asked with a smirk, causing Evan to glare at the man. His annoyance clearly shown but the other man smiled brightly at the group. "Hey! I'm Herman!!" He waved at Hope, who smiled brightly at the friendly welcome. "Herman.. C'mon they-" Evan was cut off by Herman leading them into their camp, making Evan curse under his breath as Evan followed them, knowing something bad was about to happen.

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