Chapter 17

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Boris let out a breath, it forms into a white cloud in front of him. He blinked as the cold stung his cheek, making him look around. Snow? His snow scrunched up when a snowflake landed on his nose.

"We're in the Mount Ormond Resort a bit away from Mount Richards," Nea explained, looking at Boris' eyes glow up. "Mount Richards? As in the Canadian Rockies?" Boris asked, thinking about it.

Alberta wasn't his hometown but he was still too far, besides he wasn't stupid. He knew there was no way to escape the trail. It was all risk and little gain and Boris wasn't about to jeopardize that, especially with Luna in a vegetable-like way.

She wasn't moving and could barely breathe. Claudette was doing her best to keep her breathing by loosening her tight clothing and checked her pulse regularly, even performing CPR. Though, Luna never woke up.

Boris let out a long breath, relaxing his tense body. It angered him. It angered him to be so damn helpless and losing one of his friends. Sometimes he even purposely blew up a generator by kicking it. Though the rage only killed him, getting caught every time and being sacrificed.

So this time, he cleared his mind and began to work on a generator.


Hope paced back and forth outside of Claudette's shack. She has to be okay, right? "She shouldn't make it." Someone snapped, making Hope instantly look over at whoever said that. She saw Quentin, Kate, and David sitting there.

She expected it out of Quentin but the voice belonged to Kate, who was teary-eyed. Quentin looked at her, raising his eyebrow. "Why? Luna never did anything to you." Quentin pointed out. "She let Smug die!" She spat, standing up.

Quentin stood up too, ignoring the pain in his ankle. "Are you stupid?! Luna got shot too! She's fighting to stay alive and I bet if you were in that situation you wouldn't throw your body out to shield him." Quentin spat, glaring at her before storming off to his tent.

Hope couldn't believe what just happened and she even felt empathy for both of them. Kate just lost someone who she cared for and Quentin wasn't all of an asshole as he made himself up to be.

Hope poked her head through, took a small bag of ice. She would go and help make some later. She took it to Quentin, who was in obvious pain.

"Have you heard of the RICE technique?" Hope asked, making Quentin look at her like she grew two heads. "The hell? No? I don't even eat rice." He said with a disgusted face. "It's not eating rice you dummy, it's rest, ice, compress, and elevation. Also, rice is amazing, you're just not human." Hope told him, sticking her tongue out.

Hope grabbed a blanket thrown down on the ground and rolled it up. She placed it down and gently lifted his injured foot upon the roll. He hissed in pain as she laid the ice there that was wrapped in a rag from Jake's toolbox.

"There. Do this until you're able to run. It's best that you don't get caught in trails. Go into the lockers if you need to." Hope suggested. "I am not Dwight! I'll be fine. Stop bugging me." He grumbled, crossing his arms.

Hope shrugged and started to walk out of his tent. "Thank you.." He mumbled. Hope turned around with a closed-eyed smile. "You're welcome."


Autumn sat down at the fire, Herman sitting next to her. "How are you holding up?" Autumn took in a deep breath. "Honestly.. horribly. I can't just hurt them! Especially Hope or Boris! And Luna.." She trailed off, her eyes focused on the little flame that reflected in her eyes. "I..I think she's gone."

"What do you mean?" Herman asked, his eyes shown empathy. Something you'd never see during a trail. "She was shot... Outside of a trial." Autumn whispered, pulling her legs to her chest.

No tears came, they all dried up. Instead, she sat there looking at the flame feeling like an emotionless husk of a person. Herman sighed and hugged her, making Autumn jump at first but accepted the hug. She needed it.

"W-We need to get out of here," Autumn muttered. "How do we suppose how to do that?" Herman asked, breaking the hug to look in her eyes.

"We do the same thing that they are. Increase hope. Have a good time." Autumn smiled, making Herman think about it. "Yeah, let's do that." He said with a grin.


Luna looked around, seeing her house in front of her. Another trick, wasn't it? That's when she saw her sister walk out with tearful eyes. Luna's heart felt like someone crushed it. Her sister was holding her phone and her earbuds that Luna had on the day she got hit by a car and ended up at the Entity's realm.

Luna ran to her, in the attempt to hug her but she phased right through her. She let out a cry of anguish, looking at her hands. "Michelle, sweetie. Come inside." Someone called. It was someone different, someone, older. A girl with long black hair and soft blue eyes, she wore a sleeveless red dress with black heels.

Luna took another look at her sister, Michelle. She was taller and her body was a lot more mature, with her pear-like figure. She even had a classic red lip and a cute black dress that showed her curves.

"Just let me talk to my sister... It's her death anniversary." Michelle called back. The girl nodded, disappearing back into the small house. Luna put two and two together and realize that Michelle was going on a date night, at least.

"Hey, Luna... I still have those earbuds and that phone that was there when they claimed you missing. Although the earbuds lost their hearing I... I couldn't throw them away." Michelle was now kneeling at a makeshift grave.

It had many types of flowers; roses, tulips, sunflowers, even the little weeds that you thought were pretty as a kid and would give them to your mom. The sight brought tears to her eyes but she smiled so big that it hurt.

"So, I'm laying them here," Michelle said, lying and stretching out the earbuds like they were Christmas lights, using black electrical tape to make sure they didn't get loosened, "because you loved these pair so much because I gave them to you."

She started to tear up but didn't want to ruin the light makeup she did have on. "I love you so much and I..I'm sorry I couldn't ever say goodbye," Michelle said. Luna knelt down, gently placing her hand on her shoulder.

Michelle moved, looking up sharply over her shoulder to see Luna, her face never aged and she had the cheesiest smile that Michelle never saw before. "I love you too, so so much," Luna told her, gently kissing her forehead.

Michelle hugged her sister tightly, her eyes buried in her shoulder just as the door opened. There was a small boy that stood on the balcony and Luna realized that her sister was a mother. "You have a lovely family."

Michelle smiled brightly, loving the fact that her sister approved of what she made of her life. Though when Michelle opened her eyes she was gone completely but was now smiling, as she whispered a goodbye.

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