Chapter 19

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Autumn laid awake in Hope’s tent as she thought about Luna’s and Smug’s death. So it was true; you can die if you were attacked outside of trials but why didn’t the Entity stop Luna and Smug from dying?

Was the Entity scared that Luna and Smug would’ve found out how to beat it; or him as she came to find out by Evan. Autumn felt exhausted but her mind was whirling, she even heard small noises coming from Hope.

“Hope..?” Autumn called her name out. The noise stopped and she tensed up. Autumn stood up and walked over to notice that Hope was crying in her sleep. Autumn gently placed her hand on Hope’s shoulder, making her open her eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Autumn told her, rubbing her shoulders. “I-I miss her..” Hope choked then it finally hit them. She’s never coming back. Hope felt she got hit in the face with a brick. She lost someone for good, someone who had her back through thick and thin.

“Sh-She’s gone.” Hope whimpered, making Autumn place her hand on Hope’s shoulder. “She’s not suffering anymore,” Autumn told her in a calm, soothing voice. Hope nodded her head slowly. “Okay..” Hope let out a shaky breath. “I have to go, Hope, do you want Boris to come in?”

As much as Hope wanted to hide and never wanting to come out, she nodded. They both were going through a rough time and loneliness here was worse than death. Hope wiped her eyes and blinking to clear them away.

A few minutes later, a head peaked through, his hair had covered most of his face making him let out a dramatic huff and attempt to blow to strains out of his face to no avail. “What are you doing?” Hope couldn’t help but feel her mouth curled up in a small smile.

“Trying to get in your tent? Not my fault you’re short.” Boris said matter-of-factly. To add insult to injury, he started shuffling on his knees and ducking his head slightly, mocking him. “Cut it out.” Hope chuckled, throwing her makeshift pillow at his face.

“Ouch,” Boris said, jokingly, putting on a puppy-like face. “Oh hush.” Hope smiled, grabbing her pillow and placing it on her bed. Hope’s face slowly dropped as it went silent.

“How can we escape?” Hope asked, looking up at Boris. He thought about it before sitting down and giving a long sigh. “Why don’t we have a meet up every night when the Entity ‘sleeps’ and just have a joyous time? Talk about what we did in trials, mistakes, skills, and more. Hey, even being able to learn their skills.” Boris suggested, making Hope’s light up and she smiled.

“You’re a genius!” Hope exclaimed. “Thank you, thank you, I’m here all night.” He flashed a smile, making Hope roll her eyes. “Let’s do this!” Hope smiled and right on cue, her cheek glowed.


As soon as Autumn stepped foot into the killers' realm, her cheek glowed. She groaned, wanting a bit of time to herself. She felt those black masses taking over her body as she was thrown into a blackness, waiting for the trail.

The masses whisper random sayings in gibberish but she could make out a few words that they mutter in her ears. “Ah ya vulgtmnah novice, ah ya proud ngnah penalty ilyaa.” Autumn recognized the words ‘novice’, 'proud' and ‘penalty’. Novice was another word that means apprentice and penalty was another word for punishment.

It made her body shaky involuntary and wondered if the other killers heard these encrypted sayings. The trail location presented itself, making Autumn take in it all to realize where she was. She groaned as she realized it was the Pale Rose, seeing the ship in front of her and the wet floor beneath her.

“Great.” She groaned. “Vulgtmor fahff cahf ah nafl worthy!!” The voices were back, making her grumble, walking forwards. She noticed weeds moving and knew it was a survivor. She went and hide behind the boat, still alerting the crows, making her clench her jaw.

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